It is a video game, and it is fictitious in nature. Please continue doing what you do best: making generic shooters for your whip-cracker of a publisher.
Sounds like a great idea on paper, but since trophies have no currency value outside of this auction, this bidding war will simply be won by the ten people with the most trophies. It's still a neat idea to reward the players with the most trophies though.
I'd be surprised if any kids even downloaded the DLC personally. Considering all previous maps cost around $2 a piece, and there's been a good dozen or so maps. I don't see many parents letting their kids spend more than $20 on DLC.
Since he's really only delt with Sony as a publisher, I can see where he's coming from. Although a lot of guys will sell their dreams to big boxes like EA, Acti, or Ubi in desperation.
XeonForce's comments