I know it's a crazy thing to say, but I'm not sure that I'll get FFXII when it's released. As a PS3 owner, I feel that I've been spoiled by Demon's Souls--not that Demon's Souls is any kind of replacement for a story-focused game like FFXIII. But from what I've seen in the footage of FFXIII, I'm not liking the story or the characters involved. This game does have imagination and creativity to spare, but there are a few things making it go to waste for me. Or maybe it's one thing.
I don't like the stilted emotions of the characters. They seem like actors trying to act rather than real people, all of their emotions and mannerisms taken from a generic anime grab-bag. For some reason, this is making me dislike the game entirely. I'm thinking that I'm going to skip it and that perhaps I'm over the Final Fantasy series. There were more then enough great Final Fantasy games in the past, and it seems ever since the Advent Children movie that I haven't been able to connect with the Final Fantasy world in the way that I used to. It's like Square-Enix became too accustomed to success and started churning out games minus the old school inspiration and passion that made the PS1 and PS2 games great.