Let the fanboy wars begin! "I've never touched a PS3 but I just know it sucks and I feel sorry for you!" My best friend owns a 360, and I have a PS3. I have enjoyed playing games on both, but I personally prefer my PS3 for its features and exclusive titles. The over-generalized, unrealistic arguments being made here just don't offer any solid reasoning to convince either side of anything--other than that you think you're vastly superior for owning a particular system. Anyone can offer a simplified explanation of a game that makes it sound stupid, for example, "FIFA is a retarded game because all you do is kick a ball over a bunch of grass." MGS4 is just an interactive movie. Call of Duty 4 is just a virtual shooting gallery. Oblivion is just an over-rated "choose your adventure" book in 3D. Pretty convincing, eh? Anyway, the PS3 has generally had sharper textures and the 360 has had better draw distances in some games, but these details are minimal for now. I can say that GTA4 looked better on the 360, but unless I'm playing on both systems on the same day, I can barely notice. I wouldn't feel sorry for those who enjoy a particular system, I would feel sorry for yourself if you're so determined to write off any game released for the opposing system. The ones who approach both systems openly and honestly get more out of the gaming world.
Xepheon's comments