With the land of the pirates, comes the land of the not so free. It is weird how the land of the supposedly free, comes the land of the hypochondriacs running around like headless chooks if they lose something, even something as small as 5%
Sure, 5% can be a very huge amount, but get the bigger picture... there's tax... in whatever percentage the country actually does... which is 30% here... expenses... more taxes and so on... Costs here and there, it just stacks up...
Some companies on the other hand... take advertising to the extreme... such as... O ... I don't know... EA... yet... they still complain about the sales of their games since they would get a damn profit from sales of games, advertising, downloadable contents and many of the advertising fixtures within the game can be changed if people are connect via the net...
Though, not all companies are of that way. One of the more famous DRMs is Steam. Sure... people find ways around it... though... this system... I actually prefer... oddly... not because of the free updates... not because of its subtlety, but because of the ability to log into your account and play anywhere without having to bring the install disc..., if someone does get into your account.. you're quite stuffed... (please work out a way to prevent it)
I did mention about the DRM problem which isn't really exclusive to the Steam network and other game companies... but it is quite common for people to become pirates... virtual pirates, software pirates... or the people's favourite... the "share and care" community. Either way, they all mean the same thing.
How people do it... It is not for me to say as it is almost to the point of common knowledge and then again... there are Operating System which does block it... though guess what... it was so unpopular that most that ever took up on it, complained like hell about it and didn't ever want to ever use it again... now, it is the butt of all jokes in terms of most nerds...
Piracy may be a big issue and those in the know will try to get around it and most of those honest people wouldn't think about it unless it creates problems... for say... O... I dunno... with very destructive anti-DRM programs... and in all honest... I'm one of those who rather not take that chance for the system to start screwing up to only find out that it as the Copy Protection software doing it... like StarForce and so on...
Some argue otherwise, stating that it is safe... but it comes down to which side of the Berlin wall you are really with... The East... or The West?
The East - There are freedoms, just that supply we the thought process
The West - There are freedoms, just that we question about the process
The same old, same old. Until the divide is taken down and freedoms restored, this wall will remain standing...
Those sad enough to stand on the wall, diluting the problem can take the entire wall and shove it up their A## !!!
Winning is a battle, Losing is an experience... Vista... take note!
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