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Gamer Grunt: Blame Game

Before I start, heart goes out to all the innocent victims of those affected by violence of any type as I did plan to write this about a month ago, but believed that it would conflict with a possible previous blog ages back. But since there was a game put into the limelight due to a horrific incident, it is about time to dispel the myths and truths about games which "appear" to be hypo violent.

The game being put into the spotlight... well... Counter-Strike. Sure, it shows plenty of death, gore and loads of blood, but it is not real and ask the mature gamer and they'll give you good insight into the game.

I've played plenty of Counter-Strike back in the day and I'm still quite good and competitive, but being an exploration gamer as I am, I don't like being tied down by one game, and so, it is something more of a social scene to just join in and have fun.

In Australia, Counter-Strike is rated on the Highest possible rating due to the high amount of blood and gore content and I wouldn't blame them, they are right, but so long as people do have the mature minds, the rating would merely be an indicator, but then again... some older people in the crowd are what you would call "children at heart". Though, don't let that scare you if they mention Counter-Strike.

The biggest put down with this game is the association of the murder in Germany, which is also greatly condemned by the gaming community, but this alone can not stop bad things from occurring. And this community can not stop the younger immature minds from playing this game, even at times, I would tell them off, but, this would only get those idiotic brats into a circle of stupid bratiness, mainly due to their lack of understanding and mental compensation of knowing what is real and second life in terms of its contexts. Having said that, I do have a cousin who is young and doesn't understand why I refuse to allow him access to my stash of games, apart from the EULA agreements (if people bother to read those, which I actually don't...).

I grew out of the game, not because of the lack of control or people stopping me, but merely to the lack of the point to playing it since there are other games available to blow time on. So in simple and short summary, it was the only game I actually had for a long time and only changed my taste in games when I could afford to do so, or turn pirate from other means... Next game being... some building simulator... or Age of Empires II.

At times, when playing Counter Strike on hours and hours on end... being gathering up to about... 5-8 hours per day on weekdays, my mental capacity is quite sane as it is and the weird part about the entire extended gaming, my eyesight was quite good and did delay the need for glasses, like the rest of my family, but has only recently deteriorating at a steep rate... sure I could go back to stare my eyeballs out to play the game, but the stupid internet and the whole capping system is preventing me from doing so... and even if I could, it isn't my cuppa tea to do so...

First Person Shooters don't actually reflect real world dexterity with weaponry of any sort, such as the use of archery and firearms; oddly, I'm a natural in the use of non-auto and non semi-auto weapons. The difference between game and real world dexterity would be many things. Games have fixed aims with a randomiser to add a bit of realism with a dead straight aim, real world incorporated the weight of the gun into the equation and the fact that the use of the sights and it would alienate those who play games too much, not understand the concept of sight alignment and how to read the sights correctly... along with breathing techniques needed to perfect the shot. Yeah, that murder did perfect his aim due to his father's collection, but, FPSes are only just outlets to delay his rage and FPSes is usually a great way to blow some steam, along with other games which does allow the destruction of the gaming environment.... on a virtual basis.

To understand the mind set of a Counter-Strike gamer, you can just judge everyone in that community to be fiends to the world and anti-sentimental people of the world, the greater majority of the community are gamers one way or another and tonnes are just there to have some fun and not get too carried away by replicating game world scenes into reality as if the game if god... Though... it would be hella funny for guys to play with dolls just to replicate Sim City Society, which comes with matching houses, subway lines and working heavy polluting coal stations with the occasional greeny working out that renewable power just doesn't help power the entire community or big city... close to the same as real life... though... I've never seen sleeping tubes in my entire life... Can someone please show me that it really exists?

In closing, a game can never truly be a bad game in terms for a community, sure people may perceive them to be bad, but compare them to weaponry of any sort... Bad in the wrong hands, but a good tool in the right.

The good is never remembered, just the bad