Gamer Grunt: Computer Games vs Video Games
by Xequtra on Comments
Computers Games, Video Games, games, enjoyment programs, call it what you want but computer games and video games are the two popular names forewhich they are called. This is commonly debated by these two main groups, even though they mean the same damn thing. Computer Games: Because games like Crysis requires processors in systems in order to having the game fully functional. Not just that, many games which displays pretty pictures and constantly moving images but requires input from the player and the use of the input device to change the overall development of the game as the processor tells the program what to execute, and requires semi-intellectual input. Computers are suppose to be dumb and follow orders blindly. AI is simply a set of instructions set down by the creators and/or player. A good example of this would be Final Fantasy XII with the player being able to tell the other character to perform what and when if a set of conditions are met. With with the simple use of a processor inside a system, a requirement for all game systems (eg. PC, Xbox 360, DS, Wii, etc), that's why half the people call the games Computer Games rather than Video Games. That's one side out of the way, now, the other. Video Games: With the popularity of home entertainment, especially with devices which can be plugged into the TV and played, just like a VCR or DVD can, it is usually called a Video Game. Though it isn't like a video and input can be given and/or commanded, the cinematics within the game then gives the player a small tunnel into the progression of the game. Though, competitions such as Counter Strike tournaments can be enjoyed as being a spectator sport than just being a participatory sport. The observation of the game then becomes a linear participation than an open field of chance. With nower day consoles, such as the Xbox 360, the device isn't restricted to being a game device, but it can also be used for watching DVDs and/or listening to CDs on the system (the latter I haven't tried on the Xbox 360 yet). As with the surge of the Home Entertainment devices, so does the need for the game consoles to do more than just one or two things. With the want to keep things simple and games being played on systems no longer dedicated to themselves with constant streaming of images on the screen like a video or VCR did before the DVD, people love to refer to as being Video Games than Computer games. Either you call it one or the other or some other far off thing even if they mean the exact same thing, you'll soon relise than you call a computer game if it is for the home computer systems (aka. PC) and Video Game for systems mainly occupied by home entertainment needs. Side Note: I'm trying to keep this sort short as I've killed my triceps a few days ago and is still recovering. I've decided to these blog entries as "Gamer Grunt"s for ease of searching. Peace Out!