As of late, my favourite source in checking the go of many games for a good source of interest and satisfaction knowing that both men and women gamers around the world would not be sold out by the great hype surrounding game titles.
So far this year, that same very source goes around and gives a few games the near impossible marks of perfects when that clearly was not the case, testing out games for every aspect of fun and getting it to run rigorous work out to prove its worth for them to make sure that it is tried and tested to give you the 100% satisfaction you so do want from the game, rubber stamping its authenticity as being worthy for your attention. Thanks to the mongering idiots, it seems like they are being paid off senselessly sending them showers of gifts to give the rubber stamp of Perfect 10s across the board!
I'm no brain surgeon, but isn't the whole point of a rating system is to make sure that it would become the stuff of legends and something that the world shouldn't ever miss out of playing, then maybe consider giving Perfect 10s, yet there are clear problems within games, yet, those flaws are blatantly thrown out of the Unbiased and unpaid window into the realms of Bribery haven for the sadden Ole folks that it known as the corruption police.
What in the world would of made 2-4 certain titles to earn the absolute impossible score of 100% marks, when none of the titles pre-"era-ol'-Perfectness" better than those which some have known to be the games which made up stand up and gain our attention?
These titles which are in question:
- Grand Theft Auto 4
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Super Smash Brothers Brawl
That's just about one for every system excluding the PC.
These games are suppose to keep you hooked on playing for hours without you ever realising that you even took that long and gets so immersed in a game that you quit playing until you see the sun rises (other way round for goths, emos and night people).
In SSBB, after about 2 hours of playing it, I got bored and wanted to do something else... that's even to do with Multiplayer. I enjoyed it, yet it isn't the simplicity of the game, nor it being the only thing I was to play, yet simply, the fact that some of the maps were so annoying that some of the characters would look like specks of pixels on a small TV, if given that might happen, then comes some of the insane power-ups and AI. Some power ups such as the targeting thingy, it forces people to chase to gain an upper-hand advantage and even if you aren't interested, you still have to chase it to prevent players from using it. The Final Smash becomes ultimately annoying if you had to deal with a character which can go psycho with it and just completely just annoy every single character in the game, one being Sonic. The AI always react to certain cycle of movements, attacks and combos that even with some main obstructions within the game, keeps using it and doesn't react like normal people would.
GTA 4, I believe it is still linear even though it is ****d as a free world environment; yet, players are required to complete the first lousy mission to be allowed to cause some interesting havoc within the game. Next cause of concern in the game is being a dedicated driver and chauffeuring people from point A to point B and maybe a small little point C then maybe back to point A then point B and to add insult to misery, you are being chased from point B back to point A using the guy that's tailing you. Doesn't the game just sound fun?
And the latest one, MGS4... Sorry, but I ain't touched the game, but having told about the end result even before the release of the game to shut people up... well... Yahtzee did complain about the game being a little rather on the side of long and boring in terms of the time it takes to reach the first enemy in the game.
This begs the question of whether the people thought out the entire game properly or Yahtzee is actually bad at computer games or both.... but back on topic... What I just mentioned aren't minor or unmissable flaws or unnoticed is a short space of time... unless the time to review those games are sinking making them reflect on just what they can see out of a game and can't fully review a game.
Perhaps the next time someone is to review a game, make them play it for a solid week and then get a verdict outta them since there are some old games out there which is actually still known and loved by gamers really passionate with those titles.
What makes a game so perfect that no minor flaws are really counted? How about a nicely designed shirt with a big fat hole right in the middle of it. Can you still call it designer shotgun fashion?
If something is perfect, use a hammer
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