After the announcement of Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360, many 360 fans were rejoicing after their need to buy the Playstation 3 to experience the lost love of their beloved Final Fantasy series would be washed away whilst the PS3 lovers would be hurling rotten tomatoes at all parties involved with the decision, that being SquareEnix, Microsoft and the Xbox 360 fanboys (and girls) plus anymore associated with them... But hey love hate relationship right?
But this should one up the PS3 if they love their FF series and hate it being pinched away from their beloved Playstation console to fit into the hands of the 360 fans since SquareEnix hasn't actually received the Devkits yet...
Few people question about the quality in ports... maybe with the fact that a lot of the stuff on Xbox 360 looks shinier and prettier than PS3 but then the scale goes the other with power and I've already discussed about this topic not too long ago so to avoid the mud slinging contest I will bluntly state 4 important facts
1. Games - There are some sweet exclusive titles for each of the consoles such as the Halo series for 360 and Metal Gear Solid series for PS3 and if you really wanted to play both titles, it is pretty much obvious that someone needs to own both systems or know someone who is interested in a console which they own that the other doesn't have in order to effectively have fun with things they can't get.
2. Power - Sure the Playstation is rampantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 and I won't even deny it even though I would refuse to get myself a PS3, but the main concern has always been being able to tap into that power effectively. Can't wait til Solid State drives become power in PC since it would actually be the next leap for consoles to undertake in terms of power and being able to use the drive to actually tap into as a spare RAM to increase performance.
3. Running Costs - Initially, I wouldn't of gave a royal toot about it, but then again with economic times... blah blah blah.... with data showing that the Xbox 360 is cheaper to run than PS3, it sounds about right, but then again, movie lovers would go for the slightly more unpixelated power of the Blu-ray, but I personally wouldn't care less since DVDs are still good and enjoyable. If you think that I'm living in a backwards nation due to shoddy internet access with shoddy TVs living on the pitiful world of DVDs... I personally wouldn't care as I would be spending my hard earned cash on other things in life than a life away from actual reality not virtual reality. Now it is about high time you were to virtually slap your computer game self for a non essential wake up call now
4. Porting - With Blu Ray taking a bit far too long to duplicate to stop pirates, fact in life is that there's always the golden rule of virtual computer seas, "If there's a will, there's a way to pirate" and now regular people are paying the price by not being able to enjoy the sweet life of fun and enjoyable games. With such a complex security system in place, the time it takes to develop would go up quite steep and would in fact reduce quality, but hey, they then get paid for once right? If they are interested in getting paid, what about in game advertising? Maybe that actually pays more ripped or not and that system can create problems for the people trying to get rid of it... Maybe it is about high time they quit squabbling with security since everything in the world would be piratable. Ones that are not would be the giant squids, but it has got nothing to do with Gamer Grunt.
Back to topic at hand, well they say that quality won't be compromised for the PS3 fans. That should of been quite obvious from the start since it is that version that's being ported to the Xbox 360 so it would be the 360 fans which may suffer slightly from the lack of quality, if that's even possible. So I honestly don't know where the hell the fear is actually coming from.
Maybe it is from those bickering numbnuts that known as the Sony addicts. But hey... here's a fun fact to screw those Playstation fanatics one lop sided to another. Final Fantasy used to be a Nintendo project, not originally Sony so now you can quit whinning about Final Fantasy going to Xbox 360 and maybe over to Nintendo as well.
If and when the truth shows itself, it is never a good time
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