If you are looking for the opposite sex because either:
a) Gamer Girlz are impossible to find;
b) Can't find the right person;
c) Dunno how to play the "game"; or
d) It is kinda a hobby of yours
then... Gamer Grunt was and is not exactly the thing you should be reading to learn how to score yourself a date or something of that kinda because in clear and simple, flirting might be a game to some people but chances are, it doesn't have that sorta adrenaline and fun like some other even does if seem by millions or billions or people.
That said, it is about time the mysteries about competitive gaming were to be discussed about. To some people who may be unaware, "Pro Gamer" is actually such a thing and is popular is a lot of countries... oddly... Australia is not really one of them even though there has been a lot of major (or not so major) things which has improved in the field of competitive gaming.
The most famous Pro Gamer is Fatal1ty in the USA which is the World's Pro and highest ranked player in Quake. As for the other areas such as the most played game, Counter-Strike, Star Craft, World of Warcraft, etc.... you can try to find out yourself as I'm not here to mention names... (Heat0n, ask a gaming Korean, Leeroy Jenkin)
Then again, we have ourselves the purists and idealists who actually debate about where or not Pro Gaming is actually a sport or not and whether or not it can really be listed as an actual sport or not. As for my stance...
A sport is something which you can either train really hard to improve your abilities in, naturally very good at it or has a natural knack for it. Like most sports such as athletic, aquatic events, shooting etc... You people train really hard to be really good at it, naturally good at it, has a natural knack for it and/or all of the above. Such as that with Gaming. Some people train really hard to be really good at it, some are naturally good at it without even giving up much effort, some people adjust to the game a lot more easily than most people and/or all of the above.
Some argue that Sports is mainly a physical activity, but what about Chess? You move pieces around, train really hard for it and there are loads of professional chess players out there. Computer games requires a high amount of dexterity just like Olympic Shooting, really high amount of reflex speed along with reaction times same as Olympic Shooting, is very prone to environment such as outside noises and try to contain the environment as much as possible, same as Olympic Shooting, etc
Though Competitive Gaming has got no place in the Olympic, but compared to a lot of physical, mental and emotional abilities one must convey and posses to play very well. If you just have one of the triangle, one small or slightly demoralising event can trigger something which can cause a great lapse in mental thinking, bad stamina to keep you going and/or let a break up or something influence your natural playing ****
To simply play competitively may seem like an easy and something which you wish you want do as a career, but chances are there are already tonnes of people wishing the same thing and that queue isn't really a short one since each country has such a long queue, there's little of a chance to be noticed unless you know how to play the system into your favour. This can be as simple as topping at least one or two servers in your pet game and it ain't an easy task since one is already hard enough as it is, but to top the (I mean official legit and high profile) server, by the time you gain the other one, you may of lost your title as someone may of just beaten your record on the other server.
Keeping it consistent and someone may eventually notice your abilities. Doing that kind of thing doesn't take a single night as some may of taken years to be where they are so don't always count yourself as being tops. Don't brag about what you can't back up is the major rule of gaming because there are many people out there who are able to take you down more quickly than a pile of manure. That's how competitive the field of gaming is.
Go to LAN events, attend regularly, keep your physical appearance up and keep yourself small as it tends to make yourself a fairly small target and it actually works. Sports of all kinds will keep your mind clear and the added reflex will help with quick game reflexes and strategy, appearance within game can either pain you a bullseye in your back or paints the bullseye on someone else and less people know of you, the less they are willing to pick on you.
If you want to be at your best when competing, stay single, splurge on yourself, go to LANs with your mates, play loads of sports, eat right and keep things balances. When the event comes, then pop in one or two energy drinks when it comes down for it. Worst combo would be a shoddy set up, bragging about your abilities, just broken up, tired even though you had a few energy drinks, eating loads of pizzas and drinking loads of alcoholic beverages, etc... Think up as many horrible situations as possible and avoid doing that. Helps to have a poker face when playing games.
IQ is just a number, true talent can never be measured
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