I don't know about the majority of people here, but my gaming activities aren't tied to a single platform or console. I play games of every sort, and sometimes, nothing beats just going on a website and playing some online games. Most of them don't take as much commitment as the video games we're more familiar with, plus they're free! Unfortunately, the majority of them don't come close to being as good or as entertaining. But there are some true gems among them that shouldn't be overlooked. They're not Crysis or Oblivion, but they're still a lot of fun and will drink up an hour or two of your time. This blog will come in several parts, because there are just too many for one blog post.
Number 1: Amorphous+
In this game, you're just one bald dude with a big, big sword. Your job is to kill a bunch of amoeba-like creatures called gloopies. You hit them with the sword and they pop. Simple as that. Except that they fight back in a lot of different ways. You don't expect to see such enemy variety in a flash game, but this game probably trumps most console and PC games in that sector. What's more interesting is that every different type of gloopie requires you to play in a certain way in order to defeat it. I'll tell you about the four types in the screenshot just to give you an idea. (There's a practice mode which allows you to select any gloopies you want to fight against). The green one (known as 'Gloopie') does absolutely nothing except wander around randomly. It's too small to absorb you, so all it is bump into you, knocking you slightly off balance. They are the weakest of the gloopies, the first things to spawn in any nest. Walk up to them, slash, move on. The small blue one (known as 'Bitey') is a little bit more advanced that the little green ones. Unlike them, it can follow the player around. It moves faster. And it can grow teeth. It's actually growing one right there. If it gets close enough, it lunges and takes a bite out of the player, killing him. The usual tactic with these is dodge the lunge, turn and slash. The big grey one is actually made up of three of the small green ones. Sometimes, when two gloopies bump into each other, they fuse, becoming a big green one that can absorb you. Their fusion can fuse with another green one to become a 'Gray'. The Gray can absorb you or try to impale you with a tentacle. (Note the blue splash which was once a Bitey.) Oh, it also turns its outer skin into steel if you try to attack. The only way to kill it is to slash it when it's about to shoot its tentacle. You can parry the tentacle, but your best option is to sidestep, run close and slash. And then there's the big blue thing called 'the Horror'. It appears when two Biteys hit each other and fuse. This is rare, thankfully. When a Horror spawns, you run like hell. You'll probably die anyway, but still, your best option is to run. It has only one weakness, and this is an attack it uses when you're too far away. It splits into five pieces, four of them spinning blades of doom that follow you and the fifth part is the one you need to kill. If you can dodge all four blades and slash it before it becomes whole again, then good job. You're a true hero. Otherwise you're back with one huge indestructible thing that'll turn you into pieces if it touches you. It also randomly shoots barbs in all directions, killing any stupid giant-sword wielding guy who happens to be in the way. If it misses and hits an innocent gloopie instead, don't worry, it mutates it into a bitey, giving you one more problem to deal with. Intrigued? I hope you are, because there are a total of eighteen different enemies, some of them which make a fight with 'the Horror' look like a walk in the park. There are also a lot of achievements to get (for the completionists out there) and a survival mode (for the machos). It's a fun, addicting game and you will not regret playing it.
Number 2: Dolphin Olympics 2
Dolphin Olympics 2 is simple. You play as a dolphin, you perform tricks, you get points. It's amazingly relaxing, until you realize that the more moves you chain together, the faster the dolphin goes and the higher it jumps. And all of us gamers will want to go really high, really really high. Luckily for us, this dolphin can breathe in space. Can you jump as high as the moon? That's not too hard? How about Mars? Piece of cake! I bet you can't reach the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. I know I haven't. But it's there, and someday...
And finally: Xiao Xiao 4
This game is really old, but despite it's age, it's still a lot of fun. It's a first person shooter. You can't walk around or do much, except aim and shoot stick-figures. But it's a thrilling ride all the way. The stick figure animations are all brilliant and the enemy types vary enough to keep you on the edge all the way. You can practically shoot anything they throw at you, just so you know. There's also a rewarding little fight scene at the end.
I'll have some more games up soon. Meanwhile enjoy, and if you want to request a specific genre of games, just leave a comment!