Don't get me wrong, I still think that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a great game, but over the past few months I realized that its multiplayer is not as great as it could have been. Many of the problems arise from the community itself, who will do anything to win, even if it wrecks a match.
So, here are the reasons:
1: Boosters
50% of Free for all matches I enter, and a good number of Domination matches all have a couple of boosters in them. I'm surprised that Infinity Ward has done nothing to solve this problem, and though some players have taken measures and keep a special watch out for them, it is not possible to stop them all, and in Domination, there's no point in trying, especially if one of them happens to be on your team.
2: Commando
This perk is probably the most ridicilous thing I have ever seen in a game of the first person shooter genre. People will literally teleport forward several metres and kill you instantly. Alone, it's not so bad, but add lightweight or a tactical knife with it, and the one using it can destroy a whole team. Why? Because it doesn't matter if people try and shoot the knifer, since he magically teleports forward and kill them. The majority of players also do not have perfect internet connections (I personally cannot enter matches with less than 140 ping) and that makes things even worse. If it were up to me, I would take knifing out of the game entirely, just to give those with lag a tiny chance when walking around corners.
3: Grenade Launchers
I admit, these have their uses, but seriously, it's almost impossible to kill someone using them if he sees you. They offer too much of an advantage over people not using them, and it's just ridiculous when someone kills a whole team in one shot.
4: Last Stand
This basically gives you more life, and also makes you temporarily invincible when the falling animation is taking place. Now, this is no problem when using an assault rifle or something, but it proves detrimental to anyone using a sniper, since they can't fire that fast.
What do you guys think?