Not interested in any kind of TV or social networking integration on either console. I own a PS3, Xbox 360 and a Wii and have never once used them for anything over than games, not for playing Netflix or anything. The reason? My gaming PC is connected to my TV.
The PC does everything extra that gaming consoles do but better. My PC gaming rig may be well over £1,000 but that's so it can play games. You can get a laptop for a few hundred and connect it to a TV and now you have access to all the best media services and social networking in your living room if that's what you want to do. So why buy a console to do what you can do better on a laptop and at a fraction of the price? I sorted my parents out with a laptop for £300 about 2 years ago connected it to their TV and now they watch all their films and everything through it. Do you think they're interested in doing what they already do but with their voice and silly hand gestures? NO! Am I interested in a console? YES!! Why? To play games!!
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