I was boycotting GS due to Gerstmann gate. Now I'm back. Seems I didn't miss too much.
Just to catch everyone up:
-Planning on getting a PSTriple as a media device. Don't really care about the games at this point, but I need an upscaling DVD player, a nex gen video player, and a media hub. And "it also plays games."
-I missed many of the top new holiday games. One of my Top Priorities right now is Mass Effect, also Guitar Hero 3. I like Rock band more (have played both) but I doubt I can justify the cost.
-So far I have 9 DS games. Latest was the first Phoenix Wright. Check my Profile to see what games I've gotten.
-Reached level 55 in Call of Duty 4.
-Had monthly audio blogs planned, but that couldn't be commenced because of Gerstmann gate. I think i will do monthly text blogs now that I am back.
There are many other random things. But this will do for now.