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Halo 3, Advanced Wars:Dual Strike,

Halo 3!

Seems like ages ago I was watching the E3 '06 trailer that said it would be what was then next year going, "OMFG '07! thats liek nevar!" But this is it. Pre-ordered my limited edition, and when I get home from school on tuesday, will be playing halo 3.

There is no doubt in my mind it will be one of the most amazing games I'll ever play. Why? Finishing the fight. But I'll leave you to your opinions on the game. Reviews are good. Gamespot and IGN gave it the exact same score (don't remember that ever happening,) and 1up gave it its well earned 10. I expect meta sites to average out to a low to mid 90%.

I'll explain why I hate pre-orders and why I took so long to pre-order Halo 3 in my next audio blog, which I hope to make this week.

Other than that, I finished up Bioshock and got my last few Gears of War achievements. Bioshock is good. Can't decide whether to user rate 9.5 or 9.0. I think it's better suited to a 9.5. Apparently the evil side isn't as coherent as the good side though. Plus I had performance issues, which factors that in.

Other than THAT, I was so frustrated with my DS I bought advanced wars on ebay.$40 bucks after shipping. So far it's well worth it though. However the first non-tutorial mission is ridiculously difficult. It's basically a 2 on 1, you being the lone Commanding Officer. But the first 6 or 7 missions have been pretty fun, albeit tutorials in some form.

I'm out. And so is Halo 3 in less than 2 days.