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XoXGamer4lyfXoX Blog

Guitar Hero Vs. Rockband

Hey its me again heres another thing that ive thought about with the new rockband comeing out and the new guitar hero comeing out ive been thinking...which is better, now to me i belive if u have a bunch of people over then rockband would be better because the different instruments u can play but as far as getting a challenge i think guitar hero is deffinatly better rockband doesnt have that many challenging songs and as far as the guitars go i think guitar hero also has the better guitars because u can actually tell when ur strumming unlike rockband... all and all i think guitar hero is better but tell me what you think



GOW vs. Halo

now heres something thats been on my mind for a while... which is better gears of war or halo now i no halo has the edge on online experience but i think that gears of war to has a much better storyline and gameplay with more intense boss battles and with gears of war 2 comeinng out with all of these updates it would be close and with talk of a gears of war 3 comeing out i think gears of war might beat out the almighty halo in the near future but tell me what u think

