@RSM-HQ: what i meant was, the lowest score for the new god of war is an 8/10, making it a much higher acclaimed game than ascension ever was. there is less reason to be skeptical over the new game is the point i am trying to make. whether or not you like the new combat system is a personal preference, but it has been universally accepted at this point that the new entry is a goty contender and one of the best games this console generation, at least based on all the reviews, professional or not.
Xristophoros' forum posts
I've been discussing this on various sites and blogs, and I am not confident in a 2020 press. We're talking a minimum of three years before we even get a peek at the next generation. The reason I say this is because of financial earnings, and the mid-cycle iteration that would cost Sony millions of dollars if they were to show their hand too soon. I just feel that it would be a monumental task to convince the general gaming populous to invest in the Pro only to announce a new platform. That to me makes absolutely no sense. They would be shooting themselves in the foot.
We all know Microsoft isn't making any dashes toward the next generation because of The Xbox One X, so why then would Sony be in any sort of rush to get a new platform out the door? The answer is they shouldn't and they won't. I see us getting a PS4 Pro Slim within a year, maybe year and a half with a sleeker look, better optimization, true 4K, and more energy efficient. That's my prediction, but it's based solely on a gut feeling. This is all from a business perspective of course.
You must take into account as well that a lot of these sources are merely rumor mills, and they stir the pot for clickbait to generate revenue for their trashy sites. So I would take anything that is being discussed with a grain of salt because as we all know that until it is officially announced then it's likely wrong. As a part-time associate at GameStop I get a lot of people calling me up and asking when the PS5 is coming out because they read about it on the internet, so it MUST be true.
ps4 will reach its 6 year anniversary by november 2019 and its 7 year anniversary by november 2020. that window is a ripe time to put out a new console, as ps4 was considered long overdue after the 7 year cycle of the ps3. sony will not be content having microsoft in the lead when it comes to graphical capabilities (even though there is little to no redeeming exclusive software on the x1) and is reason enough to consider the ps5 for 2019 or 2020 at the latest. the ps4 pro will have been on the market for 3-4 years before the ps5 launches and that is more than enough time for there not to be any ill will from consumers of the pro.
the only questions that remain are: when will last of us 2, ghost of tsushima and death stranding release? those 3 games will dictate the ps5 release schedule in some ways. even though all of those games are designed for ps4, does sony want to launch ps5 on the same date as either of those titles to improve hardware sales? of those 3 games, death stranding may be the last to release and as such, there might be two versions of death stranding; the ps5 port being the more superior, etc... since i don't expect death stranding to hit next year, the fall 2020 ps5 release date seems more likely.
@RSM-HQ: well, the lowest god of war review is an 8/10, elevating it far beyond ascension territory
@vespuche: I'm glad that it's (seemingly) better than I expected.
However GoW: Ascension got some 9/10's from the media and if you ask me it's the second weakest game in the series, only ahead of Chains of Olympus.
I personally gave Ascension a 6/10 and would argue with anyone that thinks it's better than that.
So with that, my hype level remains low for GoW(IV). I want to enjoy the series as much I previously did, but will keep my head in check for my playthrough.
well, the lowest god of war review is an 8/10, elevating it far beyond ascension territory. this game is the real deal based on the acclaim it has received thus far.
@angeldeb82: for the past few days i cannot even load up the comments section of any articles while ad block is enabled. i am using chrome with the "AdBlock" and "uBlockOrigin" extensions. something is definitely up...
@Marikhen: i agree. i meant it is the right of the users to choose to use adblockers. perhaps my sentence did not come out clear.
i am using chrome with ublock origin extension and cannot make a post on this site anymore with ublock running. i get the following message after i submit my comment:
"this value should not be blank."
now, if i turn off ublock and refresh the page, i can submit my message without issue. has gamespot really gone this far to prevent users from using adblock extensions? it is in their right to do so... all this does is turn people away from your website, including myself, and will hurt your ad revenue even more in the long run as a result of fewer people posting. get this fixed.
@codec7: no one here ever said the order: 1886 is a great playing game so your argument doesn't say anything.. however, it pushes some incredible visuals, there is no denying that. you are underplaying the beauty there... you will be hard pressed to find better looking games on pc, be it the environments or the character models. and why would you say microsoft and sony colluded? do you think microsoft would accept being on the shitty end of the stick if they knew that sony's specs would one up them? how about their online-only business strategy which burned them once they realized sony would have nothing to do with their warped vision? it is obvious neither party had any clue what their plans were. as usual, you are FAR off the mark with your theories.
@codec7: the only honest thing you have said is that the battery life on the ps4 controller is not very good. i agree. maybe a firmware of sorts will improve it... or another controller will be released down the line with better battery life. if not, live with it.
i think you have lost all sense of what it means to be a real gamer in how you put specs above all else. you are more concerned with numbers than games. you sound like a pc elitist through in through so i find it hard to believe you were ever a console gamer to begin with. you have also failed to realize what makes consoles special. the exclusive games that are in the pipeline on ps4 will be industry leading games and there will be no other platform to play them on. an extra 30fps or slight improvement to the visual fidelity would not make them any better. just to be clear, while most games can run at a higher frame rate and greater level of visual fidelity on a high end pc, not all do. in addition, regarding the price, you need to put the matter into perspective when comparing the cost of a high end pc to a ps4. you keep making apples to orange comparisons despite there is a $2000 difference in the price. you cannot gloss over what fantastic art design, storytelling, voice acting and overall polish can do for a game (that may be running on less powerful hardware). we are seeing cutting edge graphics on ps4 (character models in the order: 1886 and uncharted 4) that cannot be found even on high end pc's. you know why? because there are no exclusive pc games that fully take advantage of the hardware in the same way nor are there pc-specific developers with the budget of an uncharted game. in other words, there are no dedicated first party developers on pc that are pushing the envelope in the same way as sony's first party developers. the motion capture in uncharted 4 for example is second to none. if 4k/60 means so much to you, for your own sake, leave console gaming, throw down $3000 on a pc and call it a day (though i highly doubt that would make you any more happy than you are now).
i have this monitor (or at least an older variant of it, PA238Q). the image quality is great and it produces beautiful colours. nice viewing angles... a bit weak with the black levels but that's what you get with led/lcds in general. i had my ps3 connected to it and it was more than enjoyable. mine even has a headphone jack which is very convenient. cannot go wrong at that price point. oh, and the stand is fantastic! very nice build quality unlike some of the shoddy samsung ones... it raises up very high and can even rotate vertically!
pc gets all the multi platform games that consoles get and a whole bunch of junk such as mmo's, early access and steam greenlight games. you don't sound like the type who would enjoy that stuff. there are too many exclusives to count on sony platforms... that is what makes console gaming special. don't miss out on such games as bloodborne, uncharted, persona 5, star ocean, dragon quest heroes, dragon quest xi, dissidia final fantasy sequel, final fantasy xv, journey, beyond:two souls, heavy rain, ni no kuni, catherine, bayonetta, god of war, ratchet and clank, killzone, puppeteer, rain, the last of us, little big planet, tearaway, horizon, gran turismo (and many more), not to mention tons of hd collections from the ps2 era such as zone of the enders, jak and daxter, final fantasy x/x2, sly cooper, etc and the ps1 classics (some of the best jrpg's of all time are on ps1). for someone who is a jrpg fan, your decision is a no brainer. listen to your heart.
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