I wonder if Minight club - los angeles have true 1080p, i have heard that the game engine renders in 720p and then it upscaled to 1080p, does this means thats it is the same as 720p, when i hear upscale i think that it is the 720p resulotion but it can run on a 1080p format but its no more pixels the 720p
Does anybody now how it is with this game?
Xtenzion's forum posts
I don´t think its so good, because its get boring, the missions is monotome, go and kill somebody, steal something, and you get a lot of useless cash. You can´t do much with the cash, when i play a game i want to build up my caracter, when collect money i want to be able to buy better guns, butter armor etc. One of the previous GTA have for example sex apeal status, so you can buy clothes to get higher status, but they have nothing like that in GTA IV. You can by clothes, but it have no function so ever.
Niko is money horney, but i can´t spend the money. It could be so much more fun if you add skills to niko, you could but garage, cars, houses, get respect points from differents game. This game feels like a movie, you have do mission 1-200 and then you got much money and the game is finished. Okey you got friends and dates, thats cool, but the dates dossent have any function. There are so much things to do and places to explore but its have no function so ever. That boring me out totaly.
When it comes to the graphic, its has no anti-aliasing so ever, the framerate is poor, its not even renderd in 720p and the framerate is poor specielly when its rain!
Rockstar have maked a lot of effort for this game, but not connected the threads in the game, thats really sad...I am in the middle of the game, but i can´t play more then an hour then a got bored out. Sorry but no 10 points becuase its have no strategy so ever. Every game today you have to work to get things, but in gta iv after i few missions you have everything.
[QUOTE="Xtenzion"]I have looked everywhere in the menu but i can´t find it, i mean i really looked EVERYWERE. Where is the setting?
Thank you for the help!
When you're in the game press start>settings>options>controller. It should give the options for STICK-Automatic, BUTTON-Automatic, STICK-Manual, BUTTON-Manual.
STICK= You use the right analog for gas and brake
BUTTON= You use L2 for brake, and R2 for gas
Ahh i see, thank you very much :)
I have looked everywhere in the menu but i can´t find it, i mean i really looked EVERYWERE. Where is the setting?
Thank you for the help!
Hello there! This is the first time for me in this forum! I hope you guys (and girls) can answer my questions!
I have just buyed this game for my PS3.
I havent found out how to get automatic transmission, does this depent on the car? You cant drive with automatic tranmssion on your first car?
its really hard to drive a new racegame in heavy traffic and use manuell transmission.
I have seen gas stop icons on the game, do you have to refuel your car? If you have to, thats awesome! Do it cost $ to refuel?
And my last question is how the Playstation 3 VS Xbox 360 version of Midnight club LA is, does the Playstation 3 version have better graphic and higher framrate? The playstation 3 hardware is more powerfull than xbox 360, but as i anderstand its harder to davelop games for playstation 3 and its hard to get the software to use all the power of the Cell processors. Does anyone now if this game is using all SPE (cores) in the playstation 3 cell processor?
Thanks! And greetings from sweden!
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