Xun_Jiaxian Blog
So many games....so little time
by Xun_Jiaxian on Comments
Here I am again for my occasional blog. School and work are killing me, but I only need to hold out for a few more months and then I graduate. The hunt for a career is very stressfull, I keep changing my mind on what the hell I want to do.
Anyway, I realize that many great games are coming out between now and the end of the year and I would like to let out my secret on the ones I'm watching. I just picked up battlefield: bad company for my PS3 and I'm very impressed with it but it's not as good as the PC versions of past BF games. I'm not really sure what it is but something seems missing. Saints Row 2 comes out tomorrow and I will probably pick it up some time next week. Rockband 2 comes out on the 19th and me and my good friend are looking to start an online world tour. If you want to join just let me know, I play the guitar on Hard/expert and he plays drums on medium. On the 28th Fallout 3 comes out. For some reason I'm not as hyped for this game as I should be, I loved bethesda's other games and was actually looking into some jobs with them. And now for my most anticipated game of the 4th quarter....Endwar. This game just seems awesome! RTS in an MMO atmosphere. This game will either be awesome or suck really bad, we will see. Well that ends my rant. I will try to start reviewing more games. Be sure to check out my recent Age of Conan review!!
Unti next time.
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