I got myslef a sony 46 inch hd3d tv back in november of last year and I have not used the 3d much. The game ive played so far that look pretty cool in 3d are just halo anniversary and sonic generations. ///it's ok but nothing to bust you nut over its cool though .
Xx51LLYR4BB1TxX's forum posts
I gotta admit thats a nice looking jacket but no way gamers will buy this expect the hardcore collectors.
I don't think it's over rated at all most ppl say mizxed things about most good. This game is the only reason I got my ps3 back in 2008 and to this day saldy its my only ps3 game. I really loved it. The story was so interesting the first play thorugh the game had very little gameplay in its section's but they were so awsome to look at and I just love this game. But its only really fun the first time with the cs'es after that the storys kinda dull since you know the ned but play it only once a year and itll always be awsome and dramatic to see the stroy.
I have only played 2 but im getting 1 in a few days and cant wait. I loved the 2nd one and the first one looks really cool as well with the hub world and rosalina.
I have always bought nintendo consoles and will countiune to do so I love every nintendo made game and my mom is going to be nice enough to get it for me with 2 games. Also for the gamecube VC and the great third party support they are getting wii-u will porlly be my only conolse next gen of choice.
I hear it still does but alot of the ppl left are very mean and just plain out not fun to play with.
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