Not hard, healing is a pain in the ass, everything is the same as it was before 'cept for healing, now it's all slow, ineffective immobile and inefficient. The other issue is, they are too damn long, way too many trash pulls. BTW, wtf is AO and DAoC?
I love the new punishing mechanics, such as one shots, or massive aoe, positioning, but I don't like how weak, slow and just bad healing feels atm, maybe I just leaved the two Worst healers, Druid and Shaman...
However, for pugging, these types of mechanics just = headache, since you get endless waves of garbage tanks that either can't figure it out in a couple tries, or just can't rinse and repeat enough to finish a fight (especially in stonecore) Or, dps that can't out dps the tank, tanks that can't tps and move at the same time..
There needs to be a dungeon finder qualification system, to get these utter baddies out.
I agree on your idea of a qualification system. Didn't Wrath have something like that with a gear requirement? Maybe they could expand on that.
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