... hes like this 8 year old who like my gf (i mean who wouldntshes the best, and me and her are both 14 and hes like 8...) but he like actually likes her. so before i was thinking that if he tries anything i am going to beat the living crap out of the kid . i was like all pumped ready to beat the kid.
and another problem withanother kid. he makes a big deal out of me not spitting. and he keeps saying that i suck at bass. i dont. my teacheractually said im pretty good for a beginner. since i could play Metallica's "Enter Sandman" on bass and i know all the parts and strings. and the kid used to playbass but doesnt and listens to "daddy" since he plays bass and that you cant play bass with a pick. you play bass with a pick when you play metal or heavey rock,
so anyway most of the kids in my school are immature and desperate.