call of duty, and ranting
by XxLeGitDeErxX on Comments
im finding that call of duty is starting to be not as good as its cut out to be. people say these games are all amazying and what not but in my eyes i just see that the ''bs'' is just getting more and more agravating. and frusterating. not saying that the games are bad or anything. im just saying ive played ps1 games better than black ops. when games where first made they where meant for entertainment now its all about being the highest level and being able to beat all of these people. there is WAY too much competition in video games now a days. i know somebody who punched someone in the face and busted there face open over a quick scope split screen match like COME ON. its a game id rather have fun but im soon just going to give up on video games and go outside or something haha.
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