by XxTechnoxX on Comments
This is my blog everybody. I am having fun gaming online as we speak, firing up some Battlefield 1943 here right quick. But before I begin I just want to say a few things about gaming on the PS3. I am coming to realize that the PS3 is the right choice for all gamers. In addition to some serious gaming power, the PS3 pack a wholloping puch with blu ray capablilty, which just to say, that blu ray won the movie veiwing war.It's only a matter of time 'till the PS3 wins the console war. A lot of people are skeptical about this, even I was not so long ago. But as long as the PS3 can keep a steady stream of quality games and and new gaming experiences to PS3 gamers, I will be happy. The PS3 also has the best exclusive lineup says my friend, unknown_hero3. It will continue to grow into a beautiful gaming enviroment of games, hardcore and laidback, and sprout a community of gamers from all over the world. Me myself, I get a relaxed feeling when I power on the PS3 to hears that cute little chime as I load a session of CoD4. Another thing I have to admire is the controller. Have you ever notice that the PS3's trigger feels more comfortable than the xbox 360's? The sleek black on the controller makes it 100% percent more seducing to pick up and NEVER put down. The main menu is awsome too. Making it easy to select what you want to do. Home is very impressive too. I like winning trophies for my small little room. Overrall, as you can see, the PS3 is a winner!
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