MY BLOG. MY BLOG!!!! enrty 0001:WTF???!!!
by XxTechnoxX on Comments
THIS IS MY BLOG. I CAN WRite what I want here right? Better be. I got banned and I only wrote one thing. If you were lucky, you got to read my PS3 forum " Stay Strong PS3, Stay Strong: why to leave your Xbox 360 for that hot PS3 chick." In Less than minutes I got 20 reads and probably more because I went to sleep when I was done. I was warned, then banned in the same EMail. WTF??? What is the point of having a place to talk about whatever you want about games If there are rules? People are afraid of moderators and disorderness. Yes, this site is cleaned up VERY well but I think that if this is one of the places that other game companies are gonna be looking at for info on making a new game (listening to the fans) that they should hear EVRYones opinion. Not just the people who are gonna go to " System Wars" or whatever to not be heard. I mean serriously, who goes to system wars? You'll only be wrapped up into the babbling and no backup of why the wii or PS3 or Xbox360 reigns. NO offense but damn u Gamespot for starting me from scratch. If I get banned again I'm gonna get pissed and write a damn complaint because this is MY BLOG. MY BLOG!!!!!!!! So leave me alone while I write the greatest gaming editorials in history.