the press was allowed to access the Halo 3 beta five days earlier than the other players eagerly waiting to get their hands on some action. As a result, GameSpot is currently holding a live gameplay marathon for it. And here I am posting my impressions and thoughts on it.
First Match The first match GameSpot editors Jeff Gerstmann, Ryan McDonald, and Aaron Thomas (with Brad Shoemaker and Ryan Davis spectating) played took place in High Ground. Game type was Crazy King. Once the match started, I was immediately was impressed with the graphics. Because of the size of the media player, it’s hard to fully take in the beauty, but despite this, the game was looking great. This is still the Beta, which means that there’s still time for improvement in all aspects of the game. One thing that is notable is the HUD. It’s slightly curved, sort of how it was in
Metroid Prime, and gives the impression that you’re actually looking through a helmet or a visor. Weapons seen in the match were the Assault Rifle, the starting weapon, the Plasma Pistol, Brute Spiker, Sniper Rifle, and possibly a few more that aren’t coming to mind at the moment. The Assault Rifle seems to be coming back with a vengeance, looking better than ever. It seems to pack quite a punch. It seems to be one of the weapons I’m really looking forward to use. I didn’t manage to see the Plasma Piston charged up and shot, so I don’t know whether or not it locks on, an issue that many players had with Halo 2. The Brute Spiker seems to be like a nail gun and sub machine gun according to Jeff, the latter later being noted by Jason Ocampo. The only vehicle present was the Mongoose. It looks to be pretty fast, somewhat like a mini-Warthog. With it being smaller, it’s able to turn further and faster. Its size allows the player to drive even through buildings. One of the new features in
Halo 3 is equipment. Taking the function of the X button, pressing it allows you to deploy equipment picked up. The ones seen in this match were the bubble shield and the portable gravity lift. They’re just what they sound like. The bubble shield creates a small, bubble-like dome around you that anyone can walk in and out of, but stops shots, grenades, and explosions from passing through it, whether they come from inside or out. The portable gravity lift greats a gravity lift wherever it is dropped. Of course, to balance the gameplay, there will be very little on the map at a time. They act like any other weapon or grenade, where if your enemy is holding it, you’ll be able to pick it up when they die.
Second Match This match took place in Snow Bound. Once again, the graphics were looking really impressive. The sniper rifle was used a little more often. Another weapon introduced was the shotgun, which was also in previous games. It seems to be pretty powerful. The newest grenade, the Spike Grenade, was seen. When thrown, it acts like the Plasma Grenade where it sticks once it comes in contact in something, and when it goes off, it launches many spikes around. The entrances have a shield that can block shots and explosions, just like the bubble shield. Other than that, nothing new was really seen. Just a lot of good-looking multiplayer action.
Third Match The third match took place in the final map available in the beta: Valhalla. The level’s environment is like the second level of the first game, where the Master Chief first arrives on Halo. Like the previous levels, graphics are looking really good. This level contained water, and the effects are looking nice. Valhalla features the man cannon in the large structure. The man cannon is like a powerful portable gravity lift that launches you forward into the battlefield. The level looks to be very large, most likely the largest of the three available levels.
Fourth Match The GameSpot editors returned to Valhalla once again. I wasn’t paying much attention to the third match, as I was typing the beginning of this, so some elements that may have been shown in the previous match may be mentioned here. Anyway, Jeff picked up a portable turret, which switches your view to third person. Although he was quickly killed, so we didn’t see any turret action. Though this isn’t very notable, the editors decided to hop into a Mongoose and launch off the man cannon. To their surprise, it worked, and they ended up getting some distance. Something notable about the Mongoose is that you can have a partner hop onto the back, something first seen in this match. You won’t be able to shoot your weapon while driving it, along with the fact that the Mongoose doesn’t have any weapons, but if you’re riding on the back of it, you’ll be able to use yours. The Warthog was seen riding around, but I didn’t catch any action. Player customization was seen. The emblems and backgrounds seem to be the same from
Halo 2, but the colors have somewhat a larger variety. It has the same basic colors from before, but there is now a lighter and darker variant of each. One of the editors finally picked up a Spartan Laser, which is a laser mounted on your shoulder, like a rocket, that shoots a powerful blast. It has a wide range, but it takes about two or three seconds to charge it up before you can fire. Also, you’ll want to be careful when using this weapon, for the shot fires straight across immediately, so you’ll need very good aim when firing at a mobile enemy.
Intermission While waiting for the next match, the editors decided to show off the video feature. In Halo 3, you’ll be able to record your matches, which will be seen from your perspective. You’re given basic controls such as pause, fast forward, etc. You’ll also be able to share your videos with others.
Fifth Match The match takes place in High Ground again, this time Team Crazy King. It was a quick match, nothing new. I did see the SMG picked up for the first time, but the match ended before it could be used.
Sixth Match Once again in Snowbound, there seems to be a lot of action in this match. I’m seeing quite a number of Spartan Lasers being shot around. Nothing new is going on, so I might as well take the time to describe this level. As the name implies, it’s a snow-based level. A few small hills lay between two structures. These structures have ramps leading up to the top, which is just a flat platform. You can also go down into the structure to the lower level, which just seems to be a pillar in the middle in a circular room. Like noted before, there’s an entrance that has a protective shield. Seeing how there’s nothing more to say, I decided to end my coverage here. Also, during the sixth match, the camera switched to the match where only one of the GameSpot editors was playing, so I ended up being confused. (Two editors play split-screen on one console, while another editor plays alone) Final words: the beta is looking really solid. Impressive graphics, which I just can’t emphasize any more, and fun, balanced (from what I could tell) gameplay like in Halo 2. I’m convinced that Halo 3 will not disappoint when it comes out towards the end of the year, and it can only improve as the days pass by. I love what I’m seeing and I can’t wait to play. Hopefully I’ll have an Xbox 360 by the end of the year. Anyway, back to watching the beta marathon.
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