Assassin's Creed is the latest disc to find it's way into the white goddess that is my 360. A mate told me it wasn't up to much and I can sort of see what he means, I am still enjoying it though. Some of the controls are a little bit clunky, I keep jumping off huge towers instead of shimmying, I think it's more down to me pressing buttons when I don't need to. Some of the fighting is a bit repetative but as you go along different skills keep getting unlocked. Also the locals in the game do all tend to complain about the same things... maybe that's art imitating life though ;-)
Since I'm still in achievement collecting hell, I'm persevering and I think it'll be worth it in the end. It's a very good looking game and has a LOT in it, maybe a bit too much, I can't see me ever managing to collect all the flags in all the districts in all cities without using a guide - just like visiting a real city, it would take months to see every street, nook and cranny - not that I jump from roof-top to roof-top in London mind you.
The one positive thing I will say about Assassin's Creed (there's plenty more but I wouldn't want to spoil the game for anyone) is that it is the only game that has ever given me vertigo, even if it only lasted for a few seconds.
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