Personally i think that there is still an attitude in this country that the demographic for games is adolescent boys, i know i enjoy a good romp with comic looking character as it suspends me from the real world and still sets it's self apart, the real irony there is the industry as a hole is striving to make them more realistic, and yet still keep this balance, which is in my opinion the only real thing Nintendo has always done right with all of it's characters, slightly improving the look of its games while making games that are fun that clearly separate the bounds of the real world and the virtual one, every where else though those lines are blurring, and this is where the debate really stems from, people are worried that that fine line is braking and that all these games that look as good as an animated feature, or a movie in their own right. realistically i see the sex i games debate to be the sex in media debate, and if the general public still believes that the market is for adolescent boys (as it had been not 10 years ago) than all the studies in the world (recent study showing gamins target demographic is 30 year olds, and women) won't make a difference in the public mind.
so why do publishers, whom should know better who their target market is, continue to publish for a demographic that is not their primary audience any more?
simple, we still buy it.
regardless of a gamers sex, age, or level of experience, we buy it, i recently played 2 games that i The only non-sexist Heroine left?didn't feel objectified women, those being Mirrors Edge, and Metroid Prime Trilogy. sad to say they aren't doing to well in sales, or did to well in sales in Mirror's Edge's case, especially in comparison to the testosterone fest that is Gears of War 2, and the up coming Modern Warfare 2 (which is poised to break every record out there in sales) just to make a point. what concerns me is that with Team Ninja (renown for making games that do nothing but objectify women) making the next Metroid, are we going to loose one of gaming's few non objectified women, then again i think that point is moot after Zero Suit Samus appeared and i can recall everyone's fervor (at least on the internet) for that. but i digress, the only games that seem to break the sexist/racist/"mature" trends are the games aimed at everyone to enjoy the Mario Kart's and Wii Sport's of the world which are constantly in the top 5 in sales despite being out for years already.
point being that i think things are starting to turn around as more people get into gaming, as the market grows and demand continues to spike, the market will demand less sexist games and more mature content in the context that it is intend to stimulate an adults mind not amplify it with all the sex drugs and gore that it can. so far the Video game industry has progressed as the movie industry did from just bathing beauty movies, to King King, Citizen Kane, and Gone with the Wind.
it is only a matter of time so keep your voices heard and eventually they will respond!
YaMissed2 Blog
Top 20 games of 2008:
by YaMissed2 on Comments
Top 20 games of 2008:
#20). Saints Row 2 (360, PS3): Don't call it a GTA4 clone or you will miss out on this addictively fun game free roaming romp, complete with the ultimate battle Pirates VS. Ninjas
#19). Mega Man 9 (PSN, WiiWare, XBLA): Mega Man returns to his 8bit roots, and hours of addictive platforming did ensue.
#18). Dead Space (360, PS3): Does what a lot of games fail to do, copy many aspects of other hit games, and Sci-Fi Horror movies and make them work well together.
#17). World of Goo (WiiWare, PC): World of Goo is a unique concept, and has a unique look, but best of all it is an absolutely addictive puzzler.
#16). Castle Crashers (XBLA): Despite having some XBLA issues, this game feels like the rebirth of the side scrolling brawler and is immense fun to play.
#15). Burnout Paradise (PC, 360, PS3): A new Burnout game with a free roaming city, and, a never ending flood of great free DLC, do not miss this one if you love racing games, the folks Criterion is doing DLC right with this one!
#14). Dragon Quest 4: Chapters of the Chosen (DS): In its first release on US shores(originally released in Japan), this remake features a different type of story than your normal Dragon Quest game, definitely worth the time and effort to play this one
#13). Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (DS): A sequel to the original FFTA, you return to Ivaliece to fight to return to earth
#12). Civilization Revolution (360, PS3): One of PC's greatest Strategy series makes another go at the home console market. This is how classic strategy series should be brought to the home consoles.
#11). Soul Caliber IV (360, PS3): Namco adds another game to the Soul Caliber series, yet doesn't change the formula, great game, but it is time for some real change guys, and a new cast wouldn't hurt how about some non ring out stages? please
#10). Mario Kart Wii (Wii): Three Mario Karts in three years, and while the magic is starting to wear thin, that doesn't belittle the great game that Mario Kart Wii is and the fun to be had with in. While things are not as fun since they forced the multiplayer to teams, rather than the classic straight up versus it still is still great fun to play, now with or without friends in the room.
#09). No More Heroes (Wii): Easily one of the most entertaining games I played this year, period and point blank. Though a little short you will be coming back to this game for a quick pick me up, strictly due to the Humor contained in the game which picks on pop culture and anime as well, and will do a good job of not only entertaining the player but the casual viewer as well.
#08). Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia (DS): Castlevania games on the DS have been excellent, and Order of Ecclasia continues that tradition of Excellency as the game breaks from the castle crawling and sets it's self in a large aria with towns, much like how things were in Castlevania 2 with the leveling up featured in the previous Castlevania titles. But be warned the game is difficult, very difficult.
#07). Fable 2 (360): To be honest, I didn't care for the original Fable, due to it's extremely short game play (how short you ask I beat it in 10 hours with 100% completion), and I wasn't to hyped for this game, but I kept hearing how good it was so I thought I would give it a chance, and Fable 2 surprised me so much that if it didn't need some further refinement I would have ranked much higher on this list.
#06). Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii): Releasing earlier in the year amongst dismay that it missed its Christmas of 2007 deadline, everyone and their brother had to get their hands on this title if you had a Wii, let's face it, many feel it's predecessor was the game that defined the Gamecube, and Brawl Lived up to the hype for the most part including a stage maker, new characters even some hopes for the revival of some ****c Nintendo Franchises.
#05). Grand Theft Auto 4 (PC, 360, PS3): One of the Most anticipate games to be released this gaming Generation, The GTA series defined gaming last generation, and GTA 4 stepped up to the plate and delivered everything a gamer could hope for and then some including a more realistic look and feel that blew most of us away inspiring some to do side by side photo comparisons with the city Liberty city was modeled after New York City.
#04). Gears of War 2 (360): Probably the most anticipated game released this year, seriously I haven't had to fight a crowd for a game like I did for Gears of War 2 since Halo 3, thank God this game didn't disappoint like Halo 3 did, the story is completely engrossing, and serves as the gaming equivalent of the Summer Blockbuster Action Movie.
#03). Left 4 Dead (PC, 360): Finally a zombie game where you feel like you are actually trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, fortunately for you, you are not alone, and teamwork will be essential to getting out of zombie hell alive. A seemingly simple concept executed to perfection with effectiveness never before seen, this game will keep you busy for weeks on end.
#02). Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2): I loved Persona 3 and its special edition FES, so to say the least when this game was announced I was ecstatic, and when I got my hands on it I was pleased to see that Persona 4 had cleaned up and streamlined many aspects of the game system, and as with Persona 3, I see my self playing this one for a long time to come
#01). Fallout 3 (PC, 360, PS3): It is a rare when a game so captures you that you become fully immersed in it, even more so if you find your self wanting to play it more than once. But what amazed me was that I found my self so immersed in the game world of Fallout 3 that even a disappointing ending (which usually destroys my feelings for a game) couldn't scare me away from a second play through, or even deter me from wanting to play through it for a third round.
Honorable Mentions:
Disgaea DS
Etian Odyssey 2
Rock Band 2
Battlefield: Bad Company
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
My top 20 games of 2007
by YaMissed2 on Comments
#20. Eternal Sonata, one of three great RPG's that no one played...... do your self a favor and check it out!
#19. Halo 3, although the multi player makes up for the short comings of the single player mode. i just cant help up feel that this game feels way too shallow
#18. Guitar Hero 3, To their credit Never soft did a good job with this newly acquired property. in fact i like the soundtrack more than i liked the previous 2. that said something in this game kept it from feeling as cool as the other 2 games
#17. Pokemon Pearl/Diamond, say what you will, and i have just look at my review, pokemon pearl and diamond was one of the best experiences to be had on the DS this year
#16. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, the first of what has to be a disturbing amount of remakes of ****c games that came out this year and was better than most of the other games out there..
#15. Etrain Odyssey, this is one of the sleeper games that no one played this year, excellent and addictive 3d rpg that most of you should have played
#14, Jeanne d'Arc, and here is the final sleeper RPG that no one played, this time on the PSP
#13. Civ 4: Beyond the Sword, Civ 4's new expansion was highly anticipated by me and did not disappoint.
#12. Rune Factory: A fantasy Harvest Moon, This is very much the game that Harvest Moon DS should have been. and on top of that every bit as addictive.
#11. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, an interesting concept, but the tried and true Zelda game play comes through, and shines despite some clipping issues.
#10. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, A remake of the ****c SNES game that didn't quite make it here to the USA, comes included with Symphony of the night..... you cant beat that
#9. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, how do i proclaim my love for this game! immensely fun, addictive story, addictive and engrossing, easily one of the greatest experiences with a game i had all year.
#8. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Easily the best looking game of the series and the game is visually lush and fun to explore worlds
#7. Bioshock, Easily the best looking game of 2007, and an amazing story will keep you hooked for a long time to come.
#6. Mass Effect, an amazing game, any way you slice it, this game along has the replay value to make everyone whom plays it want to play again.
#5. Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, the final release of big name Strategy RPG games released on the PSP this year, This especially was a special treat for psp owners, a remake of the ****c for the PS1 Final Fantasy Tactics
#4. Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, The sole reason i bought a PSP, added to the great line up of strategy games that came out this year for the PSP, this one being a remake of the PS2 ****c, with more levels, secrets, and extra modes than in the PS2 cult ****c while maintaining all of the charm
#3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the First game in the Call of Duty series to be set in the modern times, not only comes with photo realistic graphics, but a leveling system for multi player
#2. The Orange Box, 5 games in one, 3 original, and Portal alone makes this game worth it, and on top of that you have Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1 & 2, and Team Fortress 2, any of which are worth the price of admission.
#1. Super Mario Galaxy, all i can say is this... when Mario Galaxy came out i dropped every other game i was playing and let this game be my obsession.
Honorable Mentions
Zach & Wiki (haven't played)
Rouge Galaxy
Odin Sphere
God of War 2 (haven't played)
Grim Grimorie
If there was one thing i found disturbing in this years batch of top games is how many of these are remakes or updates of older games. that said it was a really good year for games, mainly because we saw some good innovation in this years crop of games, including Portal, the full use of the DS's touch screen (Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hour glass) used to its full potential, and finally a good batch of games for the PSP that in my mind surpassed to the games released on the DS. well here is to another good year in 08, and is should be since we got Mario Kart, and Smash Bros. coming early 08, and i cant wait to see what comes next for the rest of the year.
darn it all......
by YaMissed2 on Comments
to say the least i am less than amused
on the bright side though i am getting more time to play persona 3 which is totally ruling my world right now, and catch up on games i have yet to play, like me and my buddy Rich ended up laughing so hard at a moment in Naruto Ultimate Ninja, that we had to pause the game as we laughed our selves silly for almost a minute.
also this means that i can hold off on all of those 360 games i wanted, and freed up the cash so i can get almost all of the games on the other systems i wanted.
I also caught Resident Evil Extinction this weekend.... well it is better than the second movie but the first movie is still the best.
and speaking of Persona 3 i am off to play it again..... how good is it? well i still haven't touched my review of Luminous arc in over a week so it still sits half written, but that is only a testament to just how good this game is.
by YaMissed2 on Comments
first and foremost a couple of weeks ago i lost my job, the one that was in my field that i was so excited about. let's just say that i guess my supervisors felt that i did not quite fit up to the bill fast enough. fortunately for me though my old job was willing to take me back so i wasn't out of work for too long. but to say the least that i was so down that i really hadn't done too much, except write a couple of reviews play some games, and just generally try to get over it, but going back to my old job helps me re-focus off of that.
essentially what it means on another level is that what games i had planned on getting this year has been limited. i will probably have to pass on 3 360 games i had planned on getting, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, and Halo 3. and i may end up passing on one of the Wii games i want Mario Galaxy, so what does that leave me game wise for the rest of the year? quite simply since i am still saving for a new TV, my gaming purchases for the next 3 months will be made entirely of Growlanser for the PS2, Disgaea for the PSP, Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Wii, and LOZ: Phantom Hourglass for the DS.
does that mean i will never own the other games i want.... no but that does men that you wouldn't be able to play me online on launch day
right now though i am currently playing:
Persona 3...... really dope!
Tales of World radiant mythology..... better than i though it would be
Luminous Arc: currently writing the review
Rune Factory: so far, the game Harvest Moon DS should have been
Tony Hawks Project 8, dunno why but it is therapeutic
currently watching: new season of Robot Chicken, season 2 of Battlestar Galictica
game just finished: .hack G.U. vol 1....... despie having alot of charicters that were annoying personally, and a bit a bad voice acting, not a bad game.
any how hope you are all well and i hope to have that review of Luminous Arc up before the weekend is out.
the long drought ends
by YaMissed2 on Comments
#1 i have recently moved to Arizona from Michigan, due to the poor job forecast back in Michigan. I made this decision because i would rather be a fish out of water than a fish in a stagnant pool, and i didn't want my degree to grow old. though it was not my original intention to permanently move to AZ, the warm welcome from the Arizona Job Market encouraged me to stay.
#2 Moving to Arizona has shaken my life to the core so far, new apartment, had to leave most of the cool stuff i own at home (since it all won't fit in the back end of my car), and all of the friends and family i have been close too back in Michigan to go on the road (so i am essentially starting with nothing), and trying to make new friends is actually rather difficult since most people see me as the creepy new guy from Michigan, but i am starting to make some friends and hopefully they can think of me as a friend too.
all and all though i remain optimistic that everything will work out, i just landed a job, i got a really nice apartment not too far from the ASU campus, and almost every thing i might want is within walking/ short driving distance from my APT. so everything is starting to look up
so i hope have some pictures from my trip up soon, and i also hope to hear from you all, and take care, since i am not sure when i will be able to update this thing next since my job starts on Monday and because i work late for the next 2 weeks that by the time that i get out from work the internet cafe will be closed, and i have yet to afford internet at home yet so i hope that i can change that soon
it's been a while
by YaMissed2 on Comments
cha cha changes
by YaMissed2 on Comments
Mario Kart DS: 025-842-387-769 YaMissed2
Tetris DS : 848-239-786-614 YaMissed2
Metroid Prime Hunters: 442-457-736-481 YaMissed2
Animal Crossing DS: 146-101-472-258 Doug Davison
and i also reciently got a Xbox 360, and here is my gamer card for that
it has been a couple of months
by YaMissed2 on Comments
oh well life goes on
as for E3, i am eager to see what Sony and Nintendo have to offer, sad to say but the 360 is dead to me, at least till they actually have a game i care about on thier system. I am not going to sit here and wax extatic over what promises to be a good E3 with what i expect to happen. What happens will happen. So i say sit back and enjoy the ride that is E3 kids, cause the ride is gonna get bumpy.
What the?
by YaMissed2 on Comments
Hella Old School, Serious Collecter, top 500 reviewer, the one for voting for the gamespot users choice awards, and one that i dont quite get, Bad Taste.
I Own over 950 games (I can't post Duplicate Copies of games i own on gamespot) and with an average rating of 7.9 for my collection i hardly believe that it accounts for a Bad Taste Badge.
if anyone could tell me why i would deserve this title plese let me know
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