dude how can anyone miss the trend toward Effeminate looking Males taking the leads in almost every RPG to come out of japan..... that and every female looking like a $2 hooker. and sadly this trend seems headed to an Anime nearest you as well. i got something for ya japan, how about having people look like, oh i dunno people, and not just the pretty people either, not everyone can look like movie star you know, and the only person that i know that dresses like a rock star does so because they want to be one, and they are the only ones that dress like that so they can get noticed.
my top 5 games would be: The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Xbox 360) Chrono Trigger (SNES) Starcraft Battle Chest (PC) Final Fantasy III (6) (SNES) Super Mario World/Super Mario All Stars Double pack (SNES) that woudl keep me happy for a long time......
1. Final Fantasy 9 (PSx): dunno whay but i haven't 2. Sid Meiers Sim Golf (PC): i hear it is good..... 3. Shadow Hearts (PS2) 4. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (PSX) 5. Splinter Cell 3; Chaos Theory (Xbox) sad to say that i own them all..... well it is summer maybee soon
not even a honerable mention for Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles 2, Castlevania 3, Tecmo Super Bowl, Gradius, and Dragon Warrior. although not top ten material "except for Castlevania 3, and TMNT 2", should have at least been honerable mentions. come on guys.
well considdering that i own over 1000 games picking a few that make me cool is a tough job, but i will name a few games that other have told me that make my collection cool; #5, Project Justice (DC) #4, Castlevania 3 (NES) #3, Final Fantasy 3 (SNES) #2, Chrono Trigger (SNES) and last but not least; #1, Ogre Battle 64 (N64), MIP
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