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My look at the upcoming generation of systems...

I'm not going to be someone that comes in here claiming to be unbiased cuz let's face it, we all are in someway, BUT I think that I can remove my personal opinion away from these situations & factors enough to make an informed mark on how each system should stand during the next generation.

-System Hardware & Graphics Capabilities-

X360- While there has been the learning curve gap from this gen to the next (which always exist), anyone who tries to caste doubt on X360 being much more powerful than what was there last gen is just trying to kid themself. The graphics when played on a HDTV at 720p are amazing. While some games such as Oblivion have had loss of texture issues at a very short game view, there is no doubt that the potential power is there.

PS3- This one is still a bit of a mystery as to if the Cell processor is truly being utilized to produce graphics that at higher levels even make X360 look sad or if it is so difficult to utilize that it will make X360 leader for graphics. But the best bet is that the PS3 will at least be on par with X360, if not just a bit of an improvement. Once again, though, anyone that thinks that this system won't produce amazing graphics & visuals on an HDTV are kidding themselves. Though, the internal power brick worries me for possible rampant overheating issues.

Wii- And the black sheep of the family (Get the SW pun? Huh?), the Wii will look better than this gen, but it just will not stand up to the other two. Even between the 3 played at 480p on 4x3, Wii will just not have the power to look as good. Nintendo has said it, devs have confirmed it, get over it, there is no way Nintendo is squeezing X360/PS3 power into 3 DVD cases stacked.

Winners- X360/PS3

-Disk Mediums-

X360- DVDs for an HD gaming system... ouch. While it is more than doable to make games on one disk, or even two, this could become a big issue for games like GTA or if there is another Oblivion, because its hard to be switching disk for such open ended games (image having to change disk because you want to walk to the other side of the city). While I'm sure devs will be able to work with the DVD format, near the end, this could really begin to harm X360, if Blu-Ray really takes off & devs start working on having the space from one of those disk.

PS3- Forget the format wars for a minute. It doesn't matter here too much. All games on PS3 will be Blu-Ray, even if it losses the war, Blu-Ray will last though the whole gen for games on PS3. And there's plenty of capacity there. End of story.

Wii- Like PS3, Wii has a format that can hold MORE than enough game for the Wii. The lower textures of the system, along with lower resolutions means that a DVD should have PLENTY of room for games, even if it means using dual layered disk.

Winners- PS3/Wii

-Storage Mediums-

X360- 20GB HDD that is cut down to 12 GB after downloads & back compatability downloads. Not too bad, but there will definately be a need for an increase in the future. But the ability to remove the HDD for another is a plus.

PS3- 20GB to 60GB HDD. Especially with the 60GB HDD, PS3 should have PLENTY of storage space for the life of the system, as long as you don't go absolutely crazy on downloads. But I'm sure some people will need more, meaning some kind of external HDD add-on, which will be a pain, cuz it takes out a USB port, which may already be occupado.

Wii- We are expected to download games like crazy & all that the Wii gets in SD cards? Sorry, this thing needs at least a 10-20GB external HDD to be put in the base or something. How annoying would it be to lose all your games cuz you misplaced a card or your little sibling decided it was a flushable SD card.

Winner- PS3
Runner up- X360

-Third Party Developer Ease-

X360- Anyone familiar with a PC can program fairly easily for the X360, probably why the library is so similar. This will allow for a lot of 3rd party developers to hop on board. The only handicap here is that Japanese developers are apprehensive of the system, due to how poorly the system sells in Japan. But this is also one of, if not the best systems to develop for for NA & EU sectors.

PS3- HArd to make games for & an expensive dev kit means that for a long time, we will probably only see the larger studios hoping on the PS3 bandwagon. This means long time to develop games and less 3rd party games. A bad combilation. BUT, Sony does also attract 3rd parties, simply due to current PS brand name, so they will do fine.

Wii- Easy & familiar to develop for with a cheap dev kit. This system will have MANY 3rd party games, maybe too many. What I mean is that while there will be a lot of good to great games for the Wii by new & underfunded dev houses, there will probably be as many bad or OMGWTFBBQ bad games made for it. But PS2 was the same way, there are a LOT of games, some good, some bad. But at least you have a good choice.

Winner- Wii
Runner up- X360


X360- Redesigned so that it basically comes out as a Xbox meets dual shock pad. Not a bad design at all, and with the choice of wired or wireless, it gives the user some options. Also, rumble is always a great feature that has a wide application in games. The home button is also handy.

PS3- Ahh, the controller that wants in on some of everyone's action. The PS3 controller went from a creative boomerang shape, back the the classic "dual analog" style. Also, the controller lost its rumble in translation in generations, thanks to Sony deciding to try & fight Immersion on basically ripping of the tech Immersion made. So Sony was caught in a rock & a hardplace. So instead, we get an obviously hasty additional feature of tilt sensing (2 weeks before E3 only proves it was slapped in, among other things). My problem isn't with the tilt being from Wii, ONG Sony ripped of Nintendo, blah blah blah, its that tilt sensing alone just has so little applications that are truly adding something to the game, let alone ways to impliment it alone as just a gimmick to say here it is... TILT! Sony should have just paid of Immersion an appeal or two ago.

Wii- The wild-card controller. The "Wiimote" has tilt sensing, 3D field sensing, rumble, a speaker, and there are even rumors of a mic (but that last one is a big RUMOR, nothing more). So there is a lot to have as far as what is possible with add-ons & such. But that makes a new problem, having 20 different add-ons for all your games. It has the possibility to become overwhelming, as much as it can for creativity. But at least the options are there, which is what really matters.

Winner- Wii
Runner up- X360

-Online Capabilities-

X360- Ms... the master of online gaming for consoles. While you have to pay $50 a year to play others online, there is a vast amount that can be done online even without this. So this one is tough, because while you have to pay to play, not everyone cares about playing online. This allows those that want to have it to pay & reap the rewards of assumably better upgrades to the online system.

PS3- Sony is touting what they have so far promised to be totally free online. But until this is truly implimented, this is a bit up in the air. Also, with the system being all online, it is questionable as to the quality of connections, how well hacking can be combatted, server quality/options, and finally, what this will mena to prices of online goods to make up for this "free" service.

Wii- Nintendo has kept quiet on Virtual Console. TOO quiet. We don't know what to really expect, outside of WiiConnect24, Opera Browser, and the ability to buy classic games. But WiiConnect24, IMO, sounds pretty useless without any HDD, because it won't take long before you have too much game content spewed onto your SD card overnight.

Winner- X360/PS3

-Selling Price-

X360- The mid-ranged of the two, a X360 core is $300-400, depending on the bundle. Not a bad price, a slight increase from last gen, but not all that bad.

PS3- Sony's attempt to win the next gen disk format wars is being bore slightly by the consumer at $500-600 dollars. Also, there are still some speculating that Blu-Ray games can go as high as $70, thanks to the switch to all the new disk manufacturing & pressing processes.

Wii- Cheap as all get out. You'd be hard pressed to find someone that can afford a TV made in this millenium that can't also afford to have one of these next to them at under $250 a pop.

Winner- Wii
Runner up- X360

-Overall Scores-

X360- 18
PS3- 17
Wii- 21

Well, the Wii wins as far as the factors I figured in. You may ask "Why did you include games?!? FF is MORE than enough to put PS3 to the top!!" or "OMG!!! Gears of War makes X360 win!" or "Mario pushes Wii to the win automatically!" Well guess what? Games are all personal preference. These are the basic factors that will set up for as far as what the systems have which is probably the best. While Nintendo is weaker hardware wise, they have themselves poised to really jump ahead with what they are attempting. But it could also fall flat, you never know. But they are in a much better position than when GCN came out. So I hope you all enjoyed this extended read. And FYI... the results are the same with 3 pts for 1st.

How they are computed...

Winner- 4 pts

Runner up- 2 pts

Last- 1 pt

Ties for first both get 1st place points & last gets 2 pts

And now, for some additional reading, some game considerations for systems to buy...

X360- This sytem will no doubt be perfect for those that like a lot of FPS & other popular PC genres, but don't want to pay the price for a capable gaming rig. Shooters and fans of action titles will be at home here, along with sports & racing fans.

PS3- This no doubt will still be the home for some great JRPGs, sports, racing, and some action titles. The cinematics will probably be at the highest on this system, so enjoy.

Wii- This system will not be for everyone gaming wise because devs are going to take a lot of chances. But it will be an interesting ride, with lots of party games, mini games, and newly controlled shooters & sports titles.