JW, TWoP, FAQ, Level Update, and Evil Bert
by Yakira on Comments
John Wells? Why do you hate me so much? John Wells is EEEEEEE-VIL! EEEEEEEEEEE-VIL! Go Here: Live Network Primetime TV Dramas are ALWAYS a stupid idea... Anything must be bad when you need that many adjectives to describe it. Cry. Think: John Wells is EEEEEEE-VIL! Cry. Now, Read On: It was stupid when they did it on ER. It will be stupid now. The West Wing is (was) known for long one shots that go through hall after hall, set after set, and character after character and impeccable and nearly unsurpassed acting which I can only assume was the result of more takes than I wanna imagine with shots going up to 5 minutes straight. No plausible long shots are foreseen with this episode which I can only assume will be pedeconference-free. Not if it's gonna be anything like ER. The live ER episode (another EEEEEEE-VIL! JW production) was like viewing unprofessional theater through security cameras. It's also during the debate episode which means that not only will it never compare to "Game On" but it won't even come close to "Access." Say it with me: John Wells is EEEEEEE-VIL! John Wells must die for this personal affront to all TWW lovers. Season seven looks so so so very dismal. Bad writing is one thing, a complete absence of relevant character development is another, but Mr. JW... you have sunken to a New Low. (And it must hurt down there below hell). Ok. I'm gonna try to move on and from this (although I can't think that I ever will or will be able to after I read the TWoP and J/D forums. I'll just plan to watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition that night... I was telling my boyfriend about the many ways in which stupid, stupid John Wells needs to suffer a horrible death at the hands of Aaron Sorkin while telling him about the article when he pointed out that Will & Grace had been together for longer than most married couples. I pointed out that it would be weird if they were married because they both "enjoy the company of other men" (ah, The Simpsons...). He said he already knew that. (I knew he knew that but we can be annoyingly cute that way.) I said that it would be interesting if they were married anyway because it would make for an interesting sitcom. We both expressed that talking too loud about it would be a bad idea because the FOX network execs might be listening. He told me I should write to them. Funny and True stuff from TWoP: The 2004-2005 Tubey Awards Part 1 The 2004-2005 Tubey Awards Part 2 The 2004-2005 Tubey Awards Part 3 FAQ: I was kinda sad that I didn't get any sort of mention in snide's blog about the FAQ. :( He's working on an official one and he thanked MikeBriggs who rightly deserves credit for doing the unofficial FAQ. I mean he did work on it from the beginning, maintain it, did research, and helped a lot of users out. And if nothing else his name is listed as the author of the thread. Still I did my best to help out and I put in a lot of work, too. :( Updates: August 10, 2005 At 7:25pm Level 12 (39%) Reviews: 7 Blogs: 18 (including this one) Forum Posts: 331 Submissions: Accepted: 1022 Denied: 83 Pending: 148 Total: 1253 Evil Bert is from Seseme Street? (At least that's what it says in the emblem thread.) I love Evil Bert. :) But he is no where as evil as JW. (Ok, at least I tried...). evil!