Rantfest 2005
by Yakira on Comments
As Promised. Warning: This is long. Don't read unless ready. I'm talking bathroom trip and a TV dinner. If the following doesn't sound logical or you see any tyops just repeat this montra: "These are rants of rage. Rage doesn't led to logic. Rage leads to spouting anger as you go." Get it? Got it? Good. Now go... Ahead and Read... Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? (Staff reaching in my queue) why? make the queue button appear in the forums make the counter work staff approved a whole bunch of incorrect info from my queue i think they just approve it all and don't look at it is the person in charge of family guy the person reaching in my queue? heard lots about family guy guide just let anything in the guide don't even bother to look i do my job, i wish they'd do theirs and let me do mine and i bet that later someone on the staff is gonna show up and be all (why do you have all this crap in your guide?) all this don't want people to "game the system" but approving incorrect submissions ensures that someone else can "game the system" by putting everything back AS IT ALREADY WAS or by submitting corrections this is not pizza delivery check my queue at least 15 times a day no summer job tells new users that their information doesn't have to be correct because there is a 95% chance it will get approved anyway staff is helping people game the system this is a total load It's okay when the staff just lets junk into the guide but it's not okay when the users (who they automatically assume aren't not responsible and don't even get paid to do this like they do which should make them more resposible) let junk into the guide? And if I just rejected everything the staff would reprimand me. And they'd reprimand me for just approving things! Neither of my shows are in the top 25 (Highest Rated or Most Popular) and Weeds has only appeared on the What's On Tonight column twice since I showed up. When they go into my queue they aren't picking shows they're just approving whatever's in there. I think they're just doing it to piss us off. And the new Official FAQ claims that most submissions are processed within a week. What they mean is that they're holding editors to the standard of one week before they threaten to take away their guide. But how can they set a standard for us and not live up to it themselves? 2 months old submissions still in the queue of doom? Can you say... hypocrite? I received about 15 submissions today/yesterday. A user was trying to correct the format of the quotes in my guide on the basis that the Official FAQ stated that they should be inside the bold tags. I went to the FAQ and this is in fact what it said. I created a thread for snide to read because the information on the quote submission form says it should go outside. In the meantime I requested that no one moderate the submissions in my queue until I had resolved the situation. Waited. Snide repsonded. Changed it to colon outside. I went to reject the submissions. They had already been approved. I SPENT AN HOUR FINDING AND FIXING AND PUTTING THEM BACK THE WAY THEY WERE! Just in case I wasn't making it clear: A note to the staff: You may think that sped up processing of editor owned queues would make people happy but it doesn't. And on top of that it screws up the site and makes us all look bad. If you think you're making the lives of editors everywhere easier, you're not! Being forced to search through hundreds of pages to find your screw ups does not make our lives easier. It isn't worth the extra points. They are our guides. And we earned the right to edit them. Didn't you yourselves say that that was what the whole 80 point minimum was about? If nothing else at least send us a notification about your screw-up (and yes I'm assuming that on the basis that that happens to be my only experience with this situtation.) You own the site, but you can't do this without us. Quit pissing us off! Read My response is that 99% of the time the things they approve are complete and total *. I have infomation in my guides weeks before it airs. ....(fuming with rage).... I smell something and it stinks something horrible... Position of the Retire Editor button (so easy to click on accidentally) (i hope it asks you twice before it okays your decision) (there should be a way for an editor to take back a guide if they want to - just because you don't want the show now doesn't mean you never ever will again) The Fifo Movement May not join, but I'm listening. I just don't know. I think that all the submissions before July 4 should be handled on the same basis as new and returning shows. I advicate this on the premise that those who submitted information first should not be rejected just because their submissions will be seen last due to a low level (as everyone would have had when the site started out). At the same time getting new and returning shows editors is important also. Sepetember is almost here! I made the cutoff July 4 because I would assume a dip in submissions on that day as it is an American holiday and this is American-based website. (I am American but I don't feel that users from other places should be ignored or never catered to. Let's call this my rant on that subject.) Also the July 4 cutoff date would include the 1st month of submissions to tv.com after it switched over from tvtome in the 1st week of June. Still No Editor For Buffy But somebody has been approving submissions. I got my first two submissions to the guide approved and those where from July 9 If Emily and Nicolas don't work it out... ...I'm gonna be very angry. And seriously the storyline on GH has gotten demently twisted. I skipped it yesterday in favor of a taped episode of Weeds that I watched with my boyfriend. He loves it as much as I do. But I think maybe for slightly different reasons. Not the Church Lady Type I want to get to the next level. The picture kinda creeps me out. Staff Needs To Get Their Act Together - not getting premiering shows editors - messing with shows that already have editors - haven't fixed the the problem with the second highest top contributor trusted user bug that prevents them from having trusted user priviligages - can't even get clear about colon inside or outside of the bold tags - retired editors yay! can't name new editors boo! - actor system not up yet (AFTER 3 MONTHS!) - still no emblem for level 47 and people are fast approaching level 50... - needs to create a way to retract or edit pending submissions (good for killing the queue and good for keeping our rejection numbers down. also the best way to let users take a crack at the big queue) Not A Rant: But... I'm taking bets on when the first user reaches level 50. I'm gonna go with October 4th, 2005. Any takers? Staff Needs A Way To Report Lazy/MIA Editors I coined the term MIA editor and yes I'm upset that I won't ever get real credit for it (jus like jroberthaga won't get credit for WSoD) and yes I already brought it up in another blog. The Leveling Delay (What was with that?) As RoxieVelma pretty much said: that must be some cap they got going there Ok, Now Back-To-School Department Store Commercials Are Starting To Make Me Naucious... But, I guess once you go black you can't go back... - Target (We're Back At SCHOOL...) - JCPenney (You can go with...) Weeds Review So Far "You Can't Miss The Bear" 9.9 (Need another hit now!) "Free Goat" 6.5 (Didn't meet my expectations from first episode. Result: Inflated minus rating score) "Good Sh#t Lollipop" 9.3 (Addictive) IMO, Worse than WSoD At least lately. The page reloads instead of taking you to where you are trying to go. Been happening for 2 days now. WSoD sucks, too. Ok, Not Like This Is New But It Never Happened To Me B4 I had four things rejected because the editor said they were not a significant improvement. Huh? I was editting 4 show summaries for typos like misspelled character names and changing "hes" to "he's" and including punctuation. Not a significant improvement? Not only was it an improvement but since when did we start rejecting submissions based on significance? A typo is a typo! If you see it you're allowed to fix it. If the editor won't fix it it's just bad form! Submissions should be rejected because they're incorrect not because the editor doesn't give a damn about grammar! I'm glad they got to my submissions with expediency but I can't help but feel that this editor is somehow "mismanaging" their guide. Anybody else have an opinion? I better hear about Toby's kids this season Where'd they go? Why don't we hear about them? They had a subplost all to themselves! If Sorkin can/does/has-the-abiliity-to undo the damage of the John Wells era I will pronouce him a god and create a religion surrounding it. Just saying. Either C.J. can play basketball of she can't Think of doing recaps for "Bartlet For America" and "Faith Based Inititive" (and yes the latter episode is missing punctuation, blame JW). Season 3 Episode 10 Season 6 Episode 10 So I'm watching GMA... And they're looking for this record producer. He's disappeared. The interviewer asks what's going on the woman responds. "Well we're holding up. Most of us are Christians, so we're praying." People from other religions don't pray? Or is it that you can't pray unless the majority of the people are Christians? The code for this page is askew. Let's go with a classic: Click Here. The black column is italicized. It irks me and my OCD. I'd say I had a little OCD but there is no such thing. "Yes" and "Sure, Why Not?" Are Not The Same Thing If you want to know why PM me. Warning: Explicit Thought Content. Waiting for MTV3 (If they don't already have it.) Because MTV and MTV2 have nothing to do with music anymore. Why do they even call it MUSIC television anymore? And seriously... Real World FIFTEEN?!?!? Why? WHy? WHY? Timestamps in My Queue They aren't adjusted for time zone. I don't know if somebody sent something 3 hours ago or if they sent it from the West Coast. But since they edit things in my queue in LESS THAN 15 MINUTES AFTER THEY ARRIVE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna take a shot and say it's the latter. What's On Tonight This column on the homepage has several problems as it is not timezone or country specific. But even if I forgive that there's the fact that the when they tell you what network it's gonna be on it's got problems. It just assumes that when an episode airs it will be shown on the network that aired the last episode. When Battlestar Galactica aired that Saturday on NBC it said it was coming on on the Sci-Fi. When Veronica Mars aired Fridays on CBS it said that it was airing on UPN. If nothing else I think they should base that list on your highest rated shows. Not what they think is good. Or maybe make it an option. Can't Specify Network For Each Season A shows like Buffy problem. Got Level 1 Submission Approved ...for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. - Me ( waging a flag of "joy"): Yay. Color Me Enthusiastic. -someone got the queue? -someone became editor but i just can't see them on the top contributors list? -next highest person on top contributor list has blocked profile -I think someone ("editor" if not staff) approved them all just to clear the queue -Incorrect info all over the place When you level up the index on your submissions in any queue should also. Re: above Updates -number always different from pageclick to pageclick -same info shows up 4 times in one day (usually the sources are exactly the same) -spoilers all over the place (Six Feet Under debacle) -will take you to the wrong news article (take you to something for 5 days ago) -no way to get to the new news article I want to be able to separate my forums based on spoilers and nation. Just good form. But Snide said... Snide said that there was a bug that was giving points to users who weren't contributing anything to the site. But a few weeks ago he advertised the fact that you get points for doing nothing... I Want Lazy/MIA Editors removed... But from what I can tell the staff is only giving people a week to be supposedly MIA. And then they retire you. And from what I can tell you can't get your editor status back. One week? I would give them at least 2 and a half. And that during the season! Also users like mgreen789 are getting threatened! They are being told to process the submissions in their queue because they have been there for over a week (what we're not allowed vacations anymore, like the ones the staff take on the weekends) of have you're guide taken away. But there's nothing in the queue. This is a result of the phantom editor queue number bug. And if nothing else you would figure that if they can reach into our queues and take stuff out that they would either approve the submissions themselves or at least realize that there aren't any submissions there! Something Pending, Something Accepted Something Ignored, Something Rejected At 2:02AM EST August 26, 2005 Accepted: 1414 Denied: 118 Pending: 237 Total: 1769 Longest Pending Submissions Awards:. For a Cancelled/Ended Show: 1st Place Friends June 27 (Recap) Retired Editor: jcs420x365 (next highest contributor only has 42 points) 2nd Place Shipmates July 10 (Show Summary) No Editor 3rd Place The Hughleys July 10 (Episode Stars) Editor: rustle49 4th Place Once and Again Editor: ericlong (Profile hasn't budged in months) (next highest contributor only has 62 points) For a Person: 1st Place Brian Thompson July 9 (Trivia) No Editor 2nd Place Sophia Bush July 14 (Biograhphy) No Editor 3rd Place Janel Moloney July 14 (Biography) No Editor For a Show that is Syndicated: 1st Place Blind Date July 9 (Show Summary) No Editor 2nd Place Chicken Soup For The Soul July 17 (Episode Stars) Editor: JamesBarber3 (Chicken Soup is on PAX but in my area that's the equivialent of being on Syndication. From what I can see PAX is All Syndication, All The Time) 3rd Place The Roseanne Show August 21 (Episode Synopsis) No Editor For a Show that is Returning: 1st Place MADtv July 17 (Cast) Editor: RedMJB12 2nd Place Cuts August 9 (Episode Synopsis) No Editor 3rd Place Huff August 22 (Episode Synopsis) No Editor For a Show that is New: 1st Place The War At Home July 31 (Show Summary) No Editor 2nd Place Kitchen Confidential August 9 (Episode Synopsis) No Editor 3rd Place (Empty Slot) Running Tally of Points: Points for Shows: Alias 114 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 70 Grey's Anatomy 16 Late Night with Conan O' Brian 309 Veronica Mars 18 Weeds 330 The West Wing 1523 Questions of The Week 1. They should have a place where they report the Nielsen Ratings. For a site all about TV it's kinda funny that they don't have a place for this. (Of course some would argue that this makes complete sense and is in keeping with the way the site is run.) 2. How do you get to the Weekly DVD Roundup when it's not featured on the first page? 3. Wonder what the last show id is. The one with the highest number id number. Anybody know? 4. How Do You Add People With Blocked Profiles To Your Friends list? 5 Causes of TV.com Problems staff users system company forum mods I used to get this Canadian station... But now I don't and it upsets me. I liked to watch the news. One day I watched my local news and the stories were about terrorists and baby killers and people getting shot at in the ghetto. I turned to the Canadian station and the stories were about new speed bumps at the plaza and universal health care. I would pretend that I lived in Canada. Like I pretend that Bartlet is the President. (You can't tell me different. Bush who? It was Bush Senior then Clinton then Bartlet. I do not know this George W that you speak of.) There is something wrong with the 17th page of my queue (at this time I have 89 pages and this is more of a note for me that the rest of you) anyway it makes the page appear like this... (ok so I can't upload the image but the point is I can't see the pending/accepted/rejected column. (And my tv.com window just reloaded. (dont get angry dont get angry dont get angry...)) Late Night With Conan The contributors page is still screwed up and you can't submit to certain season because they don't exist. I PMed the editor and he said that he PMed the staff and the staff PMed him back and said they'd work on it. 2 months ago. Official FAQ Don't cater to specifc groups or people regarding submissions? But you rush new and current show's submissions every 3 minutes! I'm Pollyanna! No, I'm Pollyanna! There are suck-ups and we all know it and it is noticable that the suck-ups have less than 5% of their stuff pending while the rest of us are hoping to get picked in the "lottery." There is one user who I actually don't like myself because they post just for the heck of it and to take up space. They have not gained editorship of anything so far and I bet you it's because the staff can't stand them either. I'm not surprised that I haven't gotten any staff attention for my Person Guides: Duplicates and Other Issues thread. I speak out against the staff regularly. Am I suggesting favortism on behalf of the staff? Damn straight. We Submit In Fear.
I wouldn't be surprised if any users are afraid to comment on this post. It will only go towards proving this point: People are afraid of being blacklisted so they don't speak up about how the staff is screwing up. Never Fear. The movement is gaining support from respected and well known users. The staff knows it's coming. And the PR people can't shut us up. (Wait for the irony... ) Stay Awake and Stay Tuned people (Wait for it...not that "stay tuned" wasn't... Oh, nevermind): The revolution will not be televised. This concludes Rantfest 2005. We now return you to your regularly scheduled website surfing.