I havent played the game but seen a lot of gameplay videos of it, and you're 100% right about the AI dialog. There is no way a person wrote this, its so off and strange it really feels like the odd humor you get from an AI bot when you talk to it, never makes sense.
Pretty sure Starfield was partly or mostly written by AI as well.
The game looks amazing. Only thing holding me back is the use of gameguard, which as i understand is a type of anticheat that can be also used as a keylogger and that is a security risk. So that's a concern. I've used some NC Soft games before that used it and as far as I know didn't have any problems... but that was years ago, it may have been Aion that used it.
Gonna wait a while and see if I can verify any risk from this, people may have just be parroting comments they heard somewhere without direct proof on this.
you shoot and die over and over?.. that is your complaint? That is literally what 99.9% of people who bought this game knew you would be doing. What did you expect to do in an online shooter?
yep. A group called Embracer Group sounds like some banking firm or something. Not surprising they have no idea how to publish quality games.... just buying up random developers and IP's are meaningless if the games you release are just there to make money and you don't care about it being fun or having quality.
Yams1980's comments