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Quitting Gamespot

I have been entertained by these fourms for a long time and I have met some cool people. But I just think it's my time to go, I'm spending too much time on this site and we all have a limited amount you know?

This will be the last time you will ever see me post, no alt accounts, nothing. I'm changing my password to complete randomness and if I can I will change my email (I haven't looked).

I have had a fun time guys/gals(?) but it's time to hang up the certain.

P.S. Sorry that I didn't finish the "big thread" that I promised a few of you, here is what I would have said anyways for those who want to know:

[spoiler] Q: So I have heard that you don't find real girls attractive, why?

A: Because they are just hideous to me, while rarely I see a girl that's
attractive I NEVER see any that are sexually attractive.

Q: You gay?

A: No, I find women sexually attractive because 2D girls are a representation
of women, but I don't find real women attractive.

Q: How can you find something that isn't real sexually attractive?

A: The same way you can find a person who is dead or someone who you'll
never meet sexually attractive. I'm not looking for some sort of long term
relationship with 2D girls, I just find them attractive.

Q: So I see a lot of animu girls that look really young, you a pedophile?

A: I don't put age into account with 2D girls, certain art $tyle can
easily make someone look younger than their intended age. Anyways even
if I was cla$$fied as a pedophile why would that matter? I wouldn't go after
any real girls anyways.

Q: I just can't see how you find young looking girls attractive.

A: The same way I find mature looking girls attractive, just for different
reasons. Young girls are cuter, smaller, and usually more outgoing and I
find that just as good as a "matured" girl.

Q: All of these animu girls look the same, how can you find them attractive?

A: You must not have a lot of experience with 2D girls, because of the limitless
amount of art $tyles mangkas can have there's a much larger array of girls
compared to real life. I personally think that all real people look the same.

Q: You must find 2D girls attractive because you look at them ALL THE TIME, right?

A: Not true, before I even got into anime/manga I found myself sexually
attracted to anime girls. My interest in real girls just disappeared over time,
and personally I think I see real girls more than anime girls (I leave the TV on).

Q: I'm assuming you never got some?

A: When I was 14-15 I had my first sexual experience, I went up to second base in
a movie theater. The girl suggested that we could have sex in her church
but I declined multiple times because I wasn't interested in sex.

Q: Have you ever bought a video game/manga just because of the "anime/manga" characters?

A: No, while I was tempted to look into a few video games because of the characters
I never bought a game because of the art $tyle The same goes for manga, and honestly
my favorite manga are gekiga.

Q: Have you ever looked at "real" pornography?

A: Yes, I used to relieve myself to "real" porn before I really understood
my sexuality. Even when I did I felt nauseous and regretted doing so after
relieving myself, that doesn't happen with 2D girls. [/spoiler]

Sorry if the grammar/spelling is bad, I didn't really review it.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel, long story short nice meeting you all, and goodbye.

Pre-Order This Comic! (Dungeon Quest)

Dungeon Quest is a upcoming alternitive comic by Joe Daly, here's some info about it!

"One day Millennium Boy decided to grab his hobo stick, his bandanna, and his Swiss Army knife, bid his mom goodbye, and head off on a quest for adventure. Joined by his best friend Steve (weapon: baseball bat; clothing: wife beater, cargo pants and sandals), they soon find themselves in a violent altercation with two other adventure seekers. It ends badly for their antagonists ("Whoa, check it out, dude! You actually knocked this dude's brain right out of his cranium!") and Millennium Boy and Steve become the proud owners of fancy weapons upgrades (a crowbar and a steel chain). So on they trek, and the next inductee to their group is the muscle-bound Lash Penis.

And then things start getting weird!

Readers of 2009's Red Monkey Double Happiness Book will recognize Joe Daly's delightfully unique stoner/philosopher dialogue and distinctive character designs, but the hilarious over-the-top Role Playing Game action (complete with periodic updates for each character's status in ten criteria, including "dexterity," "intelligence," and "money") propel this new story into a heretofore unachieved action-comedy realm. By the end of this book (the first chapter of a projected four-part epic), the trio has been joined by Nerdgirl the Archer, Lash Penis has nearly had his arm cut off, they've acquired a whole new nifty bag of tricks, and the menaces have become increasingly surreal and lethal. Where will it end?"

The comic's release date is some time in May, and you can order it/look at a few pages of it on Amazon.

Kud Wafter CG Released!

The official Website for Kud Wafter was updated with actual content!

Here's *some* CG they released:

There are 3 heroines (including Kud) so far, I can't show the picture of the third because she's not wearing a bra.

I'll be doing a big blog post soon, I need to get stuff ready though.

The King, the Queen and the Jester "Demo"

I haven't been actively checking blogs, but today I found out that (recently named) The King, the Queen and the Jester has a
demo out (it's really the competition version of the game)

You can download it by clicking this link.

Here are some screenshots:

Here are some statistics about the game:

  • Hardware: Asus G1S-A1 – Core 2 Duo T7500, 3GB RAM, GeForce 8600M GT 256MB
  • Operational system used on development: Ubuntu 8.04
  • Development time: 340 hours / 34 days (average 10 hours per day)
  • Programming languages: C++ / Lua
  • Libraries used: OpenGL, SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer, tolua++, Lua
  • Lines of code: 15143 C++ (272 files) / 1469 Lua (38 files)
  • Softwares used: CodeLite IDE, GIMP 2.6, Audacity

The developer(s) are also going to rewrite the rendering engine.

Pictures of Two New Games AND A Teaser Picture of Me

This picture was taken while I was doing some jobs for money without my knowledge, so I will post this as a "teaser".

And here are my GAYMS!

Ok people I have save the best for last, THIS is the BEST video game CD design that I have EVER seen, it is just beautiful, honestly no picture that I took could even measure up to how good it looks in real life.. And yes the disc is ****ing embossed.

Some Skramz/Emo Violence/(Real) Screamo Bands

I'm a fan of "Skramz" so I decided to create my first blog about music on it, a lot of people use the genre "screamo" incorrectly these days so this could also count as a example of "real" screamo.

P.S. I won't be using well known bands like Funeral Diner, Pg. 99, Joshua Fit For Battle, Raein, IWSMSOFFY, and Curicle Takes the Square.



Scold for Wandering

Virginia on Duty

Cease Upon the Capitol

Kias Fansuri

Ive Come For Your Children Records and Distro

John Cota


Le pré où je suis mort

Banana Diet Barricade

The Infarto, Scheisse!

Nouveux Riches

She's Exotic



Dau al Set

For Want Of

The Slings And Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

Summons To Yomi


I spent too much time on this, so I might create another one later on, I don't feel like doing it now though.

Yandere's Reccomended Manga #2

As I said on my first blog post I would create a second recommended manga thread, so here it is.

I tried to make the list of manga varied enough to appeal to at least someone other than me.


A good horror manga with vampires, the story picks up around chapter 15-16. This manga has nudity (frontal), light torture, a lot of urine, and blood in it.

Journey to the End of the World

A wonderful dark and abstract manga, I find it to be really captivating. The manga has cannibalism, frontal nudity, blood, and if I remember correctly rape.

Oyasumi Punpun

One, if not my favorite manga, the characters, the humor, the drawing, the story all are superb, it's honestly just a great manga. It has frontal nudity, and in one panel semen.


A great shounen manga, its strength are the characters and the interactions between each other, not the storyline.. It has fanservice.


A entertaining "disaster" manga, it contains a lot of medical terminology, but you don't need to be a pathologist to understand the basics of what's going on.. It contains gore.

Kagerou Meikyu

A nice little mystery manga, it contains the darkest harem that I have ever seen and it has good characters.. On the third chapter it shows horribly drawn breasts and this manga contains incest.

Greed Packet Unlimited

Great character design, and a epic loli, that is enough reason to read the one chapter that is released so far.. It has frontal nudity.

Omega Complex

It looked like an average seinen manga till the end of the first chapter (the only one that is released so far), the ending has me very curious and it looks like it will be a great manga.

Blassreiter - Genetic

A manga adaption of the Nitro+ game of the same name, the story and characters are all great (counting out the main character), but the pacing of the manga is a little bit off.. JAST USA is translating all of the old Nitro+ games, including this one, but you might as well read some of this to see what the visual novel is like.. It has frontal nudity, gore, and semen.

That's all I feel like doing so far, I know, I know I didn't put down a lot of light hearted manga, but I wanted to put some of the better stuff up first (though there are a lot left).

Some Newer Graphical Roguelikes/Dungeon Crawlers.

This list will mostly be reccomendations of (mostly) freeware graphical Roguelikes/Dungeon Crawlers.

Green: Look out for

Red: Buy only

UnREAL World

A realistic "survival" roguelike here is some information:

"A graphical roguelike from the Finnish developers Sami Maaranen and Erkka Lehmus. The game is set in Iron Age Finland with your character trying to survive and prosper in this environment. It stands out from other roguelike RPGs due to the way the game centres more around survival in a somewhat realistic world rather than adventuring, killing goblins to save the princess and dungeon crawling. The game allows for several skills to be learned, such as trapping (either for food or to tame the animals), fishing, hideworking, cookery and trading. Your character can build up a home and live out as a hermit (adding traps around your home to drive home the point) or interact with the local towns and try to woo the local women for marriage."

Blood Rune (GREEN)

A 3D Dungeon Crawler by Spectre Software in the spirit of Dungeon Master/Eye of the Beholder, I don't know if it has been released or not if you see them selling it on their site tell me.. The last site update was in 2007, so it might be vaporware (a demo is also out).

Enombed (GREEN)

Another Dungeon Master clone in beautiful 3D, this last update was in April so it's far from vaporware (it also has a demo that was released in 2007).

Master of Chaos

"Master of Chaos, developed by Genuwax, is a multiplayer clone for Atari STF/STE or Falcon. It uses the original graphics of Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back. Two players can play simultaneously, either on the same screen, or via a serial line on two different computers (via midi): up to 2*2 players in the same maze!"

The Devil Whisky (RED)

A sexy looking clone of Bard's Tale with a lot of depth.

Nameless Dungeon Crawler

A stylish in development (freeware) dungeon crawler, I suggest to keep a eye on this.

Lambda Rogue


  • graphical mode (800x600; 1024x768; Netbook mode)
  • text-based console mode
  • sound effects
  • optional music
  • configurable keyboard
  • 3 difficulty levels
  • alternate ways to win with different endings
  • 4 professions to choose from (Enchanter, Thief, Archer, Soldier)
  • 5 gods to worship (Aphrodite, Apoll, Hermes, Dionysos, Ares)
  • 10 skills, abilities and talents to train
  • 4 character presets for an easier start for new players
  • 25 dungeon levels, most of them randomly generated when entered
  • 40+ quests
  • 20+ different standard monsters, many of them with special abilities
  • several unique monsters
  • many carefully handcrafted items
  • 20+ different spells to learn and to train (incl. some not so easy to be obtained)"

Iter Vehemens ad Necem

A graphical freeware roguelike, just download it.

Silmar (RED)

A graphical roguelike, to beat the game you have to pay $10 (through paypal) to the developer though.


A freeware game inspired by the earily Ultimas.


A graphical (multi-window) cyberpunk roguelike.

Mines of Morgoth (RED)

A graphical roguelike with a good deal of depth (you have to buy the full version).


A roguelike that allows you to switch from ASCII to graphical.

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

"Dungeon Crawl has superb, deep tactical gameplay, innovative magic and religion systems, and a grand variety of monsters to fight. Crawl is also one of the hardest roguelikes to beat. When you finally beat the game and write your victory post on rec.games.roguelike.misc, you know you've achieved something.

You can also play Crawl online on a public telnet server thanks to the good folks at crawl.akrasiac.org and crawl.develz.org. These public servers allow you to meet other players' ghosts, watch other people playing, and, in general, have a blast. In addition to the most recent official release the latter also hosts the beta version of the next one, which you can download or play online."

Gearhead 1-2

A mech roguelike, build and fight in your own mech, fight others, etc.


"Some features at a glance:

  • Random events while in a dungeon/town or just by traveling.
  • Randomly generated sidequests via notice boards in every town.
  • Randomly generated dungeons
  • Player housing: Your clout is improved (or lowered) based on what kind of house you have and how well you decorate it. You start out in a **** Seriously.
  • Ability to place new structures such as a ranch, farm, etc. anywhere on the world map. These structures are operational and allow you to further improve your income.
  • Marriage and lineage system where you and your spouse can have a child and pass on that genetic data to the next character you create. (Incarnate Character option on the Main Menu)
  • Companions can join your party by inviting, hiring, buying them as slaves, or just subduing them. Your party size is based on your charisma.
    You start the game with one companion: a dog, cat, bear, or little girl
  • Material collection/crafting.
  • Minigames
  • Online network support.
    • Moongates that teleport you to a room that another player designed with the built-in level editor. These rooms are generally death traps because everyone hates you.
    • Semireal-time chat with other players that are currently playing.
    • In-game voting of best player title.
    • View other player's deaths and their death messages as they occur.
  • You can destroy towns. There's even a sidequest that involves nuking an entire village.
  • Custom portraits. (Edit face1.bmp face2.bmp face3 etc in elonausergraphic)
  • Original soundtrack (see Downloads below). Custom music can be added.
  • Gamepad support."

Begginers Guide to Dungeon Crawlers

I have been thinking about making a blog post for getting people into dungeon crawling, not the "LOL I DUNGEON CRAWL IN DIABLO 2" dungeon crawling I'm talking about REAL dungeon crawling. Hopefully this blog post will bring new fans into this (as it seems) reviving genre.


1.) Introduction

2.) Starter Dungeon Crawlers

3.) Older Dungeon Crawlers

4.) Roguelikes

5.) Tips


Dungeon Crawler is the earliest RPG genre in existence, they have set innovations left unnoticed by most people as they faded into obscurity. Obviously the genre is based off of dungeon crawling in games such as D&D, but they have always had their own unique $tyle of gameplay that D&D doesn't have.

In the 1980s dungeon crawlers were mostly made in college dormitories for self enjoyment, but slowly developers and publishers decided to sell dungeon crawlers. Japan picked up dungeon crawlers and made their own, the first ever localized JRPGs are also dungeon crawlers. But around the late 1990s developers like Bioware, Black Isle, and Bethesda popularized the "newer $tyle" of WRPGs that we see today, and dungeon crawlers have been left in the past.

Thankfully there are developers in Japan that release new dungeon crawlers and are starting to gain a steady fanbase once again. There are also a lot of freeware developers in the west that create roguelikes/dungeon crawlers, but they create less impact that actual developers do.

So, my job here as said above is to get some more people into the genre DUNNGEEONNN CRAWLLLERRR.

P.S. I won't be giving Japanese only games.

Starter Dungeon Crawlers

This section is to tell you some easier to get into dungeon crawlers, that could mean that they are newer and have less of an "age" feel to them.. Or it could mean that they are less complicated and difficult as compared to the older ones, whatever the reasoning you should try these ones first.

The Dark Spire (DS)

This is a great "start off" dungeon crawler, it has choices to switch in between graphical $tyles for you to get used to, it allows spam saving, automapping, and it does not require you to purchase arrows for your bows. All of these things allow starters to have less frustration (if they wish) and for players to get used to older graphics.

Cla$$ of Heroes (PSP)

A great more graphical dungeon crawler, it has a lot of cla$$ depth and quests to keep you busy. The graphics are easier to get into for newer gamers, it allows spam saving (though if you wish you can turn the saving system into "masochistic"), and it has a nice difficulty level. This dungeon crawler (to me) is a little more difficult than The Dark Spire, but both are great for starting out.

Etrian Odyssey 1-2 (DS)

Etrian Odyssey is another great starter dungeon crawler, the high point that is has over its competition is that it forces you to draw your own map with the stylus, that really helps you getting used to drawing your own map later on.

Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land (PS2)

Not really much to say here, if your a graphics whore this might be the best place to start off.

Demise: Rise of the Ku'Tan (PC)

Same as above, but this game is 200+ hours of dungeon crawling in ONE dungeon, this dungeon is so huge it's sexually exciting. Here's a small PART of the dungeon:

If your body didn't react to that I don't know what can make it.

Wizardry 8 (PC)

Same as the above two, good game, good game.

Izuna 1-2

A good starter Japanese Roguelike, it doesn't have perma-death so it's a lot easier to get into for those new to the genre.

Nethack: Falcon's Eye (PC)

Nethack is one of the best RPGs, so for those not used to ASCII graphics this is a wonderful start to Roguelikes.

Older Dungeon Crawlers

Obviously these aren't ALL the old dungeon crawlers, and I won't be putting much description into each game/series, but I will be giving you links afterwards to learn more about them.

Bard's Tale Series (PC)

Warning: I do not suggest playing the dumbed down Bard's Tale for the Xbox

Wizardry Series (PC)

If you don't play this series and you like dungeon crawlers, I don't know man, I just don't know.

Dungeon Master Series (PC)

Dungeon Master was the, or one of the first action RPGs, great series.

Eye of the Beholder Series (PC)

Also an action RPG, if you like Dungeon Mater you'll like this.

Dragon Wars (PC)

Similar to Bard's Tale, if you like one you'll like the other.

Swords of Glass (PC)

Extremely underrated 3D Co-Op dungeon crawler, completely innovative.

The Dungeons of Daggorath (PC)

Just as innovative as Swords of Glass, as I said above I'll give you links so you will see why.

Demon's Winter

Pretty much the creator of Tactical RPGs.

Wizard's Crown (PC)

Somewhat similar to Demon's Winter, great game.

Legacy of The Ancients (PC)

Ok, this is the last one I feel like doing, good game, play it.


Are you a complete Masochist? Good, because Roguelikes are the games for you, the depth in some Roguelikes just astonish me. Most Roguelike games are freeware (not so much for Japanese Roguelikes), so they are very obtainable.


The first Roguelike, very deep, play it.

Ancient Domains of Mystery (PC)

Larn (PC)

Beneath Apple Manor (PC)

Shiren the Wanderer Series (DS/Wii/PSP/etc)

Torneko: The Last Hope (PS1)


This section is for giving you (the reader) places for information, Q&A, and tools, not really much to go in beyond that.

Q: How can I play the old dungeon crawlers? I can't find them to buy.

A: You can legally download them from sites such as Home of the Underdogs.

Q: I downloaded some older games, but it doesn't work with my PC, what's wrong?

A: You have to download a emulator for it to work with your PC, try D-Fend.

Q: How can I get it to work?

A: Here's a link that will tell you how to make DOS games work.

Q: What should I use for mapping?

A: The easiest way is to find and print some square grid paper, if you can't do that I suggest autoREALM or some other program.

Q: Why did you write like ****?

A: I didn't check for grammar errors.

Q: How long did this take you?

A: Hours.

Q: What if I have a question that isn't listed?

A: Comment it.

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