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All hail the "16 MANTRAS OF FANBOYISM"

1) GameSpot is the most reliable source for reviews. Except when another publication rates the game you're hyping higher than us. Then that publication is the most reliable source. Until next week, anyway.

2) A person who owns just one console is inherently less biased than editors at GameSpot who have access to all consoles.

3) The term "exclusive" is tricky. Its definition changes depending upon whether a hot game appears on your platform or not.

4) Innovation is what it's called when your console has a unique feature. Otherwise, it's called a gimmick.

5) Your specific needs are shaped around your platform's features. For instance, if your console doesn't feature HDTV support, then it really wasn't that necessary to have, anyway.

6) A game that is scored less than a 9.0 on any platform you don't own is called a flop. If it does achieve that score, it's called overrated. (According to the GameSpot rating system, a game rated 8 or above is "great," but we all know that it really means "flop.")

7) Sales numbers are everything, as long as the numbers are best for your favorite company or console. If that means you have to dig up numbers for sales in New Zealand stores from seven months ago to prove your point, so be it.

8) Likewise, it is up to you to monitor how companies are doing and report every dip in stock price of manufacturers of other consoles. You're all experts in the fields of economics and finance, so your analyses will always prove correct.

9) You must realize, that some companies are evil, and some are inherently good. Some companies do it for the money, others do it... so, well, you can brag about them.

10) Perhaps the most clever thing you as fanboys can do is to come up with derogatory names for competing consoles, such as Xbrick and Xflopinstead of Xbox or FlopStation 2 or POSstation 2 instead of PlayStation 2.

11) On message boards, the best way to convey your point is to write in all caps, ignore the rules of grammar, and include lots of "LMAO's" and "LOLs" in your post.

12) It makes perfect sense to insult a company's lineup of games one moment and at then hope those game come out onyour console the next.

13) Playing a game on a different console for ten minutes at a friend's house qualifies you as an expert on that game and console.

14) You are obviously the most knowledgeable person about hardware. So when you're talking about the difference between CISC and RISC processors, everyone should stop and listen.

15) A sequel on another console is a "rehash," while a sequel on your console is not; in fact, it's highly anticipated.

16) Your platform is the best one in existence. Any time you see what might be evidence to the contrary, it's clearly because others are blinded by their idiotic fanboyism.

Follow these mantras and you will succeed on your journey toward total fanboyism. ;)