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GOTY aharharharhar

^_^ well i suppose i should post my GOTY for teh 0 readers i have -_-

10 - Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
basicly the same game i loved in number 1... now with sprint ^_^

9 - Devil May Cry 4
Ive always loved the Devil May Cry series and simply this game didnt dissapoint, asside from the repetition of levels... literally it was a great game

8 - Tom Clancy EndWar
Simply the best RTS ive played ever, the ONLY downside is that the whole basis of the game; the voice. is reletivly broken. it doesnt understand half of my orders ect.

7 - Guitar Hero: World Tour
I've been a long time fan of guitar hero and this one tops off the rest; drumming is great fun, the inclusion of bass made me happy (massive koRn fan) and all in all its great for partys! (watching your boss sing living on a prayer drunk off his arse: PRICELESS)

6 - Reisistance 2
Im still playing throught this behemoth of a game but by god ive loved every second of it; its smooth, solid, fast paced and for once in a game i dont care if i die when being swarmed by a horde of those things that look like something outta quarantine

5 - LittleBigPlanet
This game was scaryingly addictive fun, i spent about 20 minutes playing until i realised i was playing multiplayer. i mean really if a game can integrate the multiplayer without the player even knowing... thats just brilliance

4 - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
yes i play WoW and yes i frigging love it! and WotLK makes the game that much better

3 - Call of Duty: World at War
2 words: Keifer Sutherland

2 - Far Cry 2
The Best FPS ive played since call of duty 4, the gameplay is solid and different the graphics are gorgeous and the setting is beautiful, shame about the story and multiplayer

1 - Metal Gear Solid 4
Purely the Greatest game i have played to date, beautiful visuals beautiful gameplay beautiful story. simply ifthis isnt anyones number 1... proceed to euphanize yourself

Now the reason the most apparant popular games never made it here
GTA4: hated the game.. massive letdown and highly undeserving of the reviews it got
the game left me with NOTHING to do after finishing the story.

Fallout3: i expected ALOT more enjoyability with thegame. its way too broken, the NPCs are so boring they litereally make me sleep it was just an overal dissapointment

Crysis Warhead: simply because i havent played it... i cant play it i dont have the finances capable of building a PC to run it

anything else: probably didnt play... my life is as follows

WoW: 64%
Alcohol 35%
Work: .25%
Games: .5%
everything else: .25%