Guess the game is going to suck now since you're not getting it.
Yero2115's forum posts
The roster updates don't apply to a season/franchise you have already started.
The roster in your season all depends on what happens during that season or franchise.
This is a blessing, and anyone who uses MLB.TV knows what I'm talking about!
I'm a life-long out of market Yankees fan and I've used MLB.TV for a few years now to watch a majority of the games on my PC. I've always wanted to be able to watch these games in my living room on the big screen, and now I can!
It's a wonderful thing and I'm thrilled about it.
I play my franchise on All-Star difficulty and find it to produce very realistic results. I'm 12-7 so far and every game seems like a challenge.
Hitting can definitely be tricky. What I usually do is guess-pitch fastball high. If the "correct guess" thing doesn't go off, I know the ball is going to be low and offspeed, so I can focus on just keeping my left analog stick positioned down. Just stick with it and get your timing down. I like the hitting because it's very actually have to pick your pitches and watch the ball into the zone. Good luck!
The selection is a bit dissapointing.
From this gen, Fallout 3
Fellas, thanks for all your responses and input.
After having my PS3 plugged into an old SDTV for the past couple of days, I decided to try it again on the new HDTV. Suprisingly, everything works flawlessly how it did before I encountered this issue.
I am 100% sure I'm not doing anything differently, so I'm not quite sure what the issue was. Very bizzarre.
Thanks guys
Maybe I missed something, but it sounds like your problem happens when you use the Netflix streaming disk. If that is the only time you get an issue then try to get a replacement Netflix disk.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it happens with the netflix disc and all blu-ray movies/games. This was just an all of the sudden thing. It was working fine and now this.
Hey guys,
I'm not to good with audio/video so I thought I'd ask you knowledgable folks here.
I've got a Mitsubishi WD-65C9 that is recently purchased. I've been gaming on it with PS3 using HDMI for 2 months with no problems. Picture looks great. Recently, I've ran into an issue and I have no idea what's going on.
I put in my Netflix streaming disc the other night and when it launched, my screen went black and I could see the input button flashing in the upper left hand corner. I tried to switch inputs with the remote and nothing would happen. I can't even turn off my TV when this is going on, the whole thing is locked up on a black screen. When I eject the disc, the TV unlocks and it takes me back to the PS3 XMB. I've tried this with all my games and blu-ray movies and the same thing is happening each time. However, when I put in just a normal DVD, it launches fine.
I've tried plugging my PS3 into a SDTV and everything works. I've tried 2 seperate cords on my HDTV but I no that isn't the problem since the XMB is displaying in 1080p.
I'd also like to add that I've even tried PS3 factory restore, and redid the whole HDMI connection on the PS3.
Anyone know what's going on?
This really sucks. I'm a huge Haim fan. The Lost Boys is one of my favorite movies.
It's so sad he could never keep himself clean. Although this death is sad, it isn't very surprising.
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