Booooooo! I pretty much knew it was a matter of when and not if. So Monday night after downloading the Resident Evil 5 demo (and before I got to check it out), my xbox360 beeped and froze. Turned it off, and when I turned it back on that only thing that happened were three flashing red lights. Obviously knew what it was right away, the practiacally unavoidable error known as the Red Ring of Death.
So, the console was shipped off to Microsoft for repair, and luckily at no cost to me.
Now I just wait for its return...
I will miss streaming movies/tv shows and music from my wireless network. I will miss netflix. I will miss downloading and watching The Guild (PS, if you don't watch the Guild webisodes... START). And, yeah, I'll miss the games too, but not as much since I can still play my Wii, PS2, DS, PSP, NES, SNES, and Dreamcast - but my 360 was just so much more.
So, I wait...