So, one of my favorite shows of all time is Battlestar Galactica. Then they created the spin-off Caprica, and I really enjoyed the start of the new show. Then it got to the point were I could pretty much take it or leave it. Then it gets cancelled and I'm not really hurt. Then they ended up airing the last five episodes in a marathon the other night, so I tuned in hoping to get some closure. I must say, that I was very impressed. These episodes intrigued me more than the show had before, and I am certainly sad that it was cancelled now. At least I have Blood & Chrome to look forward to now.
The same night of the final 5 Caprica episodes also marked the return of V. I'm not super crazy for this show, but I definitely enjoy it.
Anyways, I hate when good shows I like get cancelled. Though, sometimes it may be for the best. Like with Caprica, it ended on a good note with me, thought at that point I would have liked to see more. But had it kept going, perhaps it would have just lost my interest again. And in the case of one of my other favorite shows, Dollhouse. The second season was so awesome since they shrunk the time line and jam packed it with everything since it had been cancelled, that it made for a really powerful second season. But I was still devastated to see if go. So yeah, poor Joss Whedon, they always try to put his shows on bad time slots and then cancel them. I still say Firefly being cancelled was completely wrong.
PS. Dear Joss Whedon, please get cracking on the Dr. Horrible sequel. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is still my favorite thing in existence of all time.
And on a side note, I finally posted my Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love review. I really want to get a better format for my reviews that more consistently touch on rating different aspects, so we'll see how that goes at some point.