So, I finally decided to put down Lunar Silver Star Harmony for the PSP. It's just not doing it for me. I truly expected to love this game, but I just do not desire to continue playing it. I played it for 20-30 hours and wanted to finish it. But, it's holding me back from playing other games and so I need to move on.
I went ahead and put up my Lunar Silver Star Harmony review based on what I did play even though I didn't finish the game. I normally don't review unless I finish the game, but I felt like doing it in this case for some reason.
Anyways, it will be added to my stack of games, I started weeding out of my collection, to trade in. Last time I weeded out my collection, I got rid of about a third of my games. This time it won't be so harsh. But I'm getting pickier on what I spend my time playing and I just own too many games. So, I'm taking out the ones I tried but didn't really care for and those I don't think I have a huge interest in playing anymore. Last time I ebayed them all, but this time I just plan to trade into Gamestop towards the 3DS once they start taking preorders.
So, my console time has been devoted to Sakura Wars: So Long My Love on the Wii. Its an interesting game, defintely different. But I'm almost done with it, and am kinda glad it seems to be on the shorter side. The dialogue side of the game is good, but could really use something more. I really enjoy the battles, but there just isn't enough of them. But its a nice game experience and really feels like you have been thrown straight in an anime. The game is even broken into episodes and all.
I've also still been playing quite a bit of Pinball FX 2. I really just can't get enough of this game. I got the new Marvel tables and really like them a lot. Now I'm just working on getting higher scores, lol.
So, since I moved on from Lunar on the PSP, I started my next handheld game. I choose to start Luminous Arc and wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not. But I quickly put in 15 hours already and its already one of my favorite games. I need to pick up Luminous Arc 2 when I see it, and I really hope the 3rd one comes to the US, but its not looking like it will. Dang!
Other than video games, I have still been watching the Blood+ anime. It got really strong around its midpoint, and is still really good but lulling a little, but I know it will pick right back up. It had been awhile since I really watched some anime; didn't realize how much I was missing it.
Speaking of anime. Those of you in the Anime/Manga Squad union need to get in on the Jeopardy game. I won last time, and haven't had much competition yet this time.