The walking dead
by YochaiSapir on Comments
Even before I start to describe "The Walking Dead", the new Zombie series of the American cable network AMC's, qualities - I feel like I have to glorify AMC's courage that was expressed in the broadcast of this TV show: showing zombies, flash eating (or horse, if it matters) right in the center of the American prime-time is not that triviality. After all the walking dead are not vampires: They've got no Gothic fashionable way that is going to create a new fashion trend, they have nothing to do with hypnotize eternal life or anything else that we might feel the need to have or might feel appealing to. Zombie is the most repulsive "living" creature one can imagine - an absolute neutralization of the human being from even the faintest humaneness. Yet, the greatness of "The Walking Dead" is not expressed by the courage of it. After all this characteristic is not sufficient for this rates of ratings this show got in its debut episode. There is a solid plot which is based upon a very successful brand (the graphic novel), an excellent acting and above to all this there is the well known and respected director Frank Darabont (Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption). What I like the most about this show is the fact that there is a perfect mixture of zombies and drama - you get exactly the needed dose of zombies - not too much and not to less. The zombies are playing the part of an eye candy while in the background there is a suspenseful well built drama series. If you loved the comics on which "The Walking Dead" is based upon you'll be glad to hear that the series plot is quite similar to the original and try to follow it as much as possible. Even the necessary modifications that have to be done - like thickening the dialogs and jumping between parallel locations and stories - executed in a way that only build the tension more and more. Above all the mentioned above there is an exceptional graphical courage. The Walking Dead is as good as well funded zombie movies and includes amazing scenes and shots that one can just dream on how they would look on the big screen. Zombies are the new vampires. *Sorry for my English.