Buckling under the peer pressure brought on by clanmates, I picked up Borderlands soon to be followed by Modern Warfare 2. I plan to eventually make formal reviews but I will say this: both were well worth the inflated new release prices (though I did not pay that - YAY) but Borderlands, IMHO, offers a fresher experience and more replay value. Don't get me wrong: Modern Warfare 2 took the great things in CoD4 and added more great things but, all and all, it's still the same game. The single-player campaign is what one would expect: riveting, cinematic plot development, tons of action, and some upsetting twists. It's also just as short as the CoD4 campaign. Multiplayer has changed quite a bit but not enough to jump on the bandwagon; alas, this is one of those games that everyone jumped on so, if your XBox LIVE friends have ditched you, here's where you'll find them.
Modern Warfare 2 has added deathstreaks as a way of keeping everyone on their toes. Deathstreaks are a great way for people to get back in the mix. This mechanic evens up things quite a bit. There are oodles and oodles of things to be unlocked, including custom graphics and titles for your little "mini profile". Grenade physics have been retooled dramatically as have the CoD4 perks. Last but not least, killstreaks offer several items based on your level and what you have elected to unlock. The highest-level killstreak (the camper's favorite) is a tactical nuke that automatically ends the game. Interesting.
All that being said, the multiplayer is still worthwhile and, if for some strange reason you never got CoD4, you'll really enjoy how unique MW2 is. It's nothing short of awesome but CoD4 kinda set the bar high so I have to be a *little* critical. You can bet that they'll be milking this title just like they did with WAW. Expect new maps soon. Budget a good $100 to get the full effect of this game. =oX
I do have to reiterate this: MW2's campaign is AWESOME. It truly beats most movies made today. Some of the CoD4 characters return and some new faces show up. All I say is this: don't get too attached. This storyline is a lot more controversial but it really makes you think. The cliffhanger ending was so abrupt that I almost felt like throwing the game away. I think you can count on MW3 coming in 2011. The fans have been sucked in and we're hooked.
Now let's talk about Borderlands. This is the unsung hero! The game was sold out in many markets in the first week or two, much like Modern Warfare 2. Of course, now it's hard to find since it's been overshadowed by Infinity Ward's baby. There's a lot to like about Borderlands. I definitely have more gripes with MW2 than Borderlands. You see, one big pisser in MW2 is that the maps and overall gameplay seem to encourage camping more than ever. People really want to milk those killstreaks, it seems. In Borderlands, it's just good, clean co-op fun but, for those that need a little DM now and then, you can go to arenas or smack a teammate in the fact for some instant gratification.
What makes Borderlands special is that it takes best-of-breed features from today's most popular games and fuses them into a successful hybrid offering. FPS meets RPG - it's a beautiful thing! This game rewards sharpshooters just as much as those that know how to carefully distribute skill points and employ their special abilities. Borderlands focuses more on action but there is plenty of grinding and exploration, for those that like that sort of things. Each character class has one abilility (or action). This seems like crap at first but there are plenty of passive abilities to make up for it. That just means there is a whole lot less button mashing.
I believe Borderlands is very special as a console offering. As a PC game, it faces some tough competition but, then again, the combination of FPS and RPG is still very unique. I love the fact that finding weakpoints on enemies is what opens up critical damage. It's no mere dice roll here, folks!
Borderlands offers myriads of strong and unique/"boss" mob spawns. The more people you team up with, the stronger the spawns and, by extension, the better the loot. If you played Borderlands single player and didn't care much for it you're truly missing out on what makes the game fun: the intense co-op action! This game HAS to be played in multiplayer favor. Going solo just isn't the same when each character class offers tactical team buffs.
You've heard about the billions of weapons in Borderlands, I'm sure. Well, that number is pretty darn accurate! Each weapon has so many possible attributes and bonuses that the combinations are almost infinite. There is no secure trade option in Borderlands but, if you can find some honest teammates, looting can be very fruitful. Anywho, this is the game that will have long-term replay value. Modern Warfare 2 is great fun, as was CoD4, but I prefer it in smaller doses.
Crap... This ended up being a big review on Borderlands and Modern Warfare 2. Hey, if you can't afford these new releases (or already chose on one side and refuse to drop another $65 based on principle), I recommend looking at the bargain bin at Sears or checking out used games at Play-n-Trade or GameStop. Heck, you can even check your local rental store - they often have better deals (Hollywood Video, for example, had several games well under $20). Army of Two, Battlefield: Bad Company, and Burnout Paradise are amongst some of the fun games you'll find there for dirt cheap. It goes to show you: wait a little while and yesteryear's games will be dirt cheap.. Unless it's Call of Duty 4. =oP
For some more old-school XBox 360 titles, consider Shadowrun, Viva PiƱata, and Crackdown. There's plenty of variety out there. Now, has anyone tried Dragon Age? I am hankering for a more pure RPG. It's either Fallout 3 or Dragon Age for me.. Any thoughts? 8)