My fingers feel the need to type at people, so bear with me. :D
Heading into the drearier part of the year, I feel like everything's become less interesting. The hype of the election is over. Hooray Obama! Boo Proposition 8! Halloween is over, and so is the excitement of both finding stuff for my costume and dressing up. Christmas is coming but I'm dreading it more than anticipating it because there is no game plan yet but to survive, and Thanksgiving is giving me daymares this year because my husband and I were somewhat vocal concerning controversial political mumbo-jumbo and our families all going to pester us with their opinions and questions (sigh, just let me type my responses, people. It's easier that way and I won't accidentally offend you--it will be on purpose...I mean, um, all offense is unintentional. Yes.)
One ray of sunshine: my mom's birthday is tomorrow! I got the bright idea back in May or so to make her a bag for her random trips she takes on the bus or plane to visit my sisters that live across the country, so I got super excited and planned it out and bought the fabric clear back forever ago. When she goes on a trip, my mom usually takes a book, a knitting or crochet project, some hand work to sew, paper to both color and to write with...and she's always in need of Kleenexes and pens. I sketched out a pattern with tons of pockets for all the random stuff she likes to take (I KNOW! I SKETCHED something! AND, it doesn't look like complete crap because it's basically just squares. Yay. Makes me want to scan it and post pictures as proof.) and after I cut the fabric out in June, I didn't do a blessed thing more until about a week ago. ^_^ Good thing it's just a bag! Bags are so much easier than clothes, because with bags the drape and fit of the fabric just isn't as important. Phew. While working on it, I took a three day hiatus because the magnetic snap scared me. I wasn't 100% sure about the instructions, so finally today I decided it was now or never! Silly me, it only took 2 minutes and turned out just fine. I did squinch the fabric a bit more than necessary, but ah well. My mom is nice, so she'll be happy regardless of the squinchiness. Maybe I'll post pictures of the bag sometime, if you wanna see.
The doggy Truffle is fabulous, for any of you who might remember her from blogs way back in the day. She wags her tail so becomingly, and has this way of resting her chin on your lap, the whites of her eyes just visible as she peers so pleadingly at you to just give her one little scratch under her chin that melts your heart. Sometimes she gallops up and down the hallway for no reason, and she has a few toys that I could swear she's trying to practice her shot putt with, whipping them back and forth at phenomenal speeds. Oh, and she steals my english muffins I make when I'm letting them cool on the kitchen counter if I'm not vigilant. Bad doggy! Okay, she's really good besides trying to steal food when we're not looking. I wuv her!
At the suggestion of LeonMorado (he's got great taste! Everybody listen to him!), my hubby and I have watched Invader Zim, V for Vendetta, Nightmare Before Christmas, (I've mentioned before he recommended Cowboy Bebop--that one is awesome) and I'm working on Trigun slowly but surely. They're all fabulous shows and I recommend them right back at any of you who might be interested!
Also, we went to an anime convention in the Salt Lake area a couple of weeks ago and there were so many NERDS! It was awesome. I think they were way dorkier than me, but y'know...I tend to underestimate my dork factor, so I shouldn't say. I didn't get to buy any strange new pocky or t-shirts because the shops all closed early. :( I was sad.
Anyway, that's enough blabbiness for now. What about you guys? What do you look forward to or dread as we're heading into wintertime?