I'm a cat.
That's me!
(everybody reading this) "Uhhhh...?"
Okay, maybe only in a sorta-kinda way.
I'm a cat because I don't like showers, I'm lazy, I enjoy being pampered, the hair shedding is uncontrollable, if someone is mean to me I'll hiss and run away, and if someone does something nice for me I'm all over them, begging for more. Not to mention the meowing...
Why relate myself to an animal? *shrugs* Why not?
It's LeonMorado's fault, really. I mean, he's a benevolent yet snarky purple lion; always has been in my eyes, in the months since I started visiting the Bleach forum and started reading posts. Leon's personality seems to fit that symbol, and got me wondering and thinking about what sort of animal I was. Maybe a kitty, a monkey, perhaps a bat, or--oooh, a flying monkey! ...okay, so I never quite embraced the bat idea, but my husband thought I was an airborn creature, possibly a bird...which is weird to me because I don't understand in what logical situation I could be considered a creature of the air, but hello, I'm weird and illogical, so who am I to argue?
I came back to the cat...mostly out of laziness. It fits well enough. Why spend energy thinking of something else that might fit better?
My husband's a wolf. He's fiercely loyal, hard-working when he sees the purpose of a task, solitary, has a flash-in-the-pan temper (his bark and bite are pretty equal; he's broken some of his friends' bones--accidentally, but still), and he's very distrusting of people outside his "pack," or close family and friends. Despite (or perhaps because of) his fierceness, he's a very loving and kind husband and friend.
What about you? What kind of animal would you consider yourself to be, and why? If you can't think of what animal you might be, what sort of animal do you know you're not or is your anti-animal?