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YoshiRules123 Blog

My Wii is back!

YAY Im so happy! :D They promised a week (or should I say "wiik"?) and it took them a wiik! and it arrived just when I was having fun with GoldenEye 007 and Banjo-Tooie. o well, i have my wii back!

So, Thug2Wasteland and Zeldafan14, I can brawl u two on my B-day, June 1st. U know whats funny that I just realised as I happily ran upstairs on my computer to type this? Im turning level 13 soon... and im turning 13 years old on sunday! :lol: thats kind of a funny coincidence!

Ok, so the next blog post will be on my B-day, this Sunday. Im soooooo happy and I cant wait!

Yoshi :D


Dug up an old N64 game and I love it!!

Since I still dont have my wii, I decided to play the N64. I first started off with Smash Bros. Im still grat with that game! But thats not the game I dug up...

Yes, all the way in the back of my N64 games drawer, I found...

GoldenEye 007 for N64 - GoldenEye 007 Nintendo 64 - GoldenEye 007 N64 Game

THATS RIGHT! I remember playin this game when I was real little. then, I lost it. now, I found it again! I played for hours today, about 4, and I beat half the game already. GoldenEye 007 was such a great game back then, and it still is today! awsome gameplay, fun multiplayer, rockin' music... this is one of the many reasons I love the N64. Even my lil' sister, Midna, wanted to play this game! I was pretty good back then when I was about 5 years old (lol :P) so, just wanna tell u guys that if u own GoldenEye, you should seriously play it. I just love this game.

This helped me realise what a great company Rareware and Nintendo were back then. they made such great games like DK country, DK 64, this game, Conker, and so many more. too bad Nintendo sold them to Microsoft, then they basically killed rare. Nintendo and Rare were such a great team back then. but thats the past. all we can do is relive the games.

oh yeah... and about the How to Draw Meta Knight... I cant upload it today cuz my computer is so stupid, it cant realise there's an SD card in it. o well, I'll do it tomorrow if I remember. So, play GoldenEye 007 if you own it and have fun! u should also try the multiplayer with sum1, its so much fun. c ya!



My Birthday is in 1 week!!

Thats right- June 1st is my birthday, and its only a week away!! omg, i cant wait. my parents told me theyr gettin me a suprise, since I dont know wat I want. wonder wat it is? well, just wanna let u know that there's only 1 week till my B-day. also, I'll film the Meta Knight How to Draw and upload it today. c ya!

Yoshi :D :D


Next How to Draw coming soon!

Title says it all. well, not entirely. I'll show u guys how to draw Meta Knight next. I'm not that perfect, but wat the heck? I'll give it a shot! I will probably film it tonight and post it tomorrow morning.

In other news, I am doing no-so-good without the wii. today I was SO BORED! I played Banjo-Kazooie for a long time, but I was so frustrated with it cuz I kept dieing and having to start all over. then, I tried Banjo-Tooie and It was pretty fun, for a while. Finally, I played Super Mario 64 and only got 3 stars be4 becoming incredibly bored. so now, Im on my computer... still bored. when will those guys get my wii back home?! This is gonna be the longest 3-day weekend of the year. I can still hang out outside and with friends, sure. but I dont know If i'll blow up by wednesday with BOREDNESS! :evil: well, it's almost over. besides, they may have it back home before wednesday! ok, gues I'm done. hope u guys r looking forward to seein me drawing meta knight!



Start of a new Video Series!

Well, I just made a video. it is How To Draw Yoshi. took me about 7 tries to do lol. Well, Im gonna upload it soon, and It will be the start of a beautiful series! Here r some other ppl I'm gonna draw:

Meta Knight

Link (probably not)




All I can think of rite now. I gotta try and draw some others. then, I'll tell u guys. Ok, im gonna try and upload the vid now. check it out when I'm done!


Cant put the Yoshi pic today, my computer is acting retarded :P

Wii has been Mailed to NY

Ok, my dad mailed the wii to NY and theyre probably gonna get it 2morrow. then, they fix it and I get it back a few days later. this should be pretty easy! im half-past the first day already, so I can definately survive the week. on weekends, i can go outside & hang out with friends or play N64 or find sumthing else to do. Hope that I get my Wii back soon! I was gonna go downstairs today and play Brawl until I go 2 the eye-doctor, but then I say "oh yea, its not there" BTW, I went 2 the eye doctor to get contact lenses cuz im sick of my glasses. I didnt pass though. the lady said "try again next week" so I will go again next week. Hope I get used to touching my eye within a week...



My Wii needs to be Repaired

No, not THAT wii... the Nintendo Wii! :lol: yes, its true. my mom just called Nintendo. they said that Brawl disks r maid with dual-aired technology or sumthing like that, and my Wii isnt used to that. So, tomorrow, im sending the Wii and Brawl to Nintenndo. They said I'll get it back in about a week!!! :evil: How am I gonna survive a week without the wii?!?! It may take MORE than a week!! :cry: well, i have 2 survive on Zelda: OoT for a week-Ive gooten more into that game. Although the shadow temple is very boring and thats wat im up to... well, I still have my DS. Cant play gamecube cuz thats broken, and I play all my GC games on my Wii. So, I have these chances this week:

1) Nin DS

2) N64

3) Go outside

4) Computer

so, I just might survive! dont tell me "play 360 or PS3!" I WOULDNT DARE DO SUCH A THING!!! True-blue Nintendo fan! nothing else! although ocationally i play on my older sister's PS2. well, a week isnt THAT long. Ive survived much longer without stuff! well, I'll give u guys info as soon as I get my Wii back... The Nintendo Wii! lol i love that joke...



Almost Done!

Im almost done with 2 things. i guess i'll say the boring one first:

Im almost done with my History fair project. The hard part was finished last night (the report), so all I have left to do is put some pictures on a piece of oaktag. not too hard, right? well, my teacher said that making a diorama would boost my grade. If I get the chance, I'll make 1. its due Tuesday

Im also almost done with Super Mario Sunshine. I have about 40 shine sprites, so I need 40 more before I reach the glitched level. That level is when Delphino Plaza is flooded. many weird things happen here! but you'll have to wait and see what they are! dont worry, im almost there...

Well, thats all I wanted 2 say now. Wish me luck that I beat Sunshine soon and finish the project on time!



Long Time, No Blog. Hey Guys!

Well, not really, but 3 days without a new blog is long for me. Just wanna let u kno I didnt die or anything! Anyway, im sure by now u all saw a new video posted by me yesterday. check it out if u didnt!

so..... i need next video ideas. This blog wouldve been my brawl pictures, but my computer is bein retarded and doesnt want to work correctly. so, i need next video ideas. However, im REALLY looking forward to showing some cool mario sunshine glitches! I just need about 3o more shine sprites, and I will be able to do the glitches. if I do this video, u would be able to find it under Mario Galaxy, I guess. So, give me ideas. see ya soon!



Nuthin good to do... ask questions about me

hey guys. im bored. ask me questions. Ill post the answers in a few days. ask me anything, just not something stupid. well... stupid-funny, but nothing like "why do we poop?" ok, im just not gonna answer questions like that. have fun!



PS: I kno that "why do we poop?" thing was really random. sorry, but I couldnt have thought of a dumber question :P