It's been a looooooooong time since i've posted a blog comment! I should apologize to everybody who has posted blog posts since i've not been able to reply. BUT, i think i'll be more active now so i'll do my best.
Reason why i haven't been as active as before is because of the following things:
- School's being a right b-i-t-c-h
- I've developed an unhealthy obsession with photoshop
- Games
In addition, i've been kind of busy just worrying about exams and all. But that's another issue. I've come here to show all of you that i have been doing....things during my absence.
I've bought a few games..!
Super Paper Mario
Pokemon Diamond
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
And now i'll show you some Photoshop stuff that i've....photoshopped. ^_^
This is what i mean by the "unhealthy" obssesion thing. =)
It's T.H.E C.R.E.W
I don't like this picture. I look...different. =S
I don't think i photoshopped this one! =O
I'll do it late..
I'll keep updating!
So come back! xD
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