In life, we have dreams that are attainable, but the challenges and the hard times we go through in life make themseem unattainable.. Making us give up..
but we need to have faith in order to prosper....
Yeah, everyone knows me at Young_Charter who is always hyper and having good times on Game spot, playing games and getting plats on the Play Station 3. I have dreams, big dreams at that.. Lately I've been going through tough times in life that almost made me gave up on them.. but do you want know something I can't do though ? I can't give up on my dreams..and neither can you . See in life, a lot of our mothers and fathers want us to all be better than them so we could support our family (including them) and support our loved ones and children, so we could make them better people and live life right..
I learn today from one of my friends who told me exactly "you have big dreams, but you need to stop procrastinating and do it.." and a girl who I always talked to and care for ended up telling me "You always have the best solution for everyone... but not yourself.." lately in life, I've been just thinking and going out with my friends more often, partying and having a good time because now time is running out as my friends are now going on to new levels in life which are good and bad.. My friend just came out of jail for only 31 days and and after that going back for 2 years and heading to atlanta with his baby mom.. Two other friends of mines are going to New York and the other South carolina... It'll be only be 5 of us left but basically 3 of us since one lives in the city and the other goes to college in another town.. Now it's time for Charter to get back on his grind..
Time goes by so fast that at the end of the day you think to yourself what the heck you are doing.. I was down for months... Especially when I failed my test but just 110 damn points.... I felt like I didn't pray hard enough and studied... but doesn't make it the end of the world...
People always talk about youas ifthey knowwho you are and always fool around with you when they don't know **** about your life.. Screw the fools, haters, douches, (you name it), and ingnorant people who always try tomess your head up and shut your life down as you try to be different and make special changes in life.. I know it's tough when you have idiots (even on here.. because this place is a escape from life...) always messing your head up instead of talking to you and making you feel good about yourself.. People need to understand that we need each other more than ever besides being enemies with each other... Only the fools fail as the strong survive.. and we need more strong people than ever..
Overall.. I just want everyone to be the best at what they want to do and make themselves
proud... Never underestimate yourself..-Young_Charter