Terranigma - back when I first played this in 1996, I was totally amazed, and it still holds up today.
YourOpFeR's forum posts
A SNES with 'The Lion King' and 'The Smurfs'.
UN Squadron for the SNES.
My favorite NES games (excluding the big ones):
Mega Man 3 (not sure if this is one of the most popular games, so I'm just gonna include it) - When it comes to Mega Man, most people I talked to either like 1 or 2 the most, but for me MM3 is the best in all aspects. MM1 was a bit too hard and MM2 was way too easy in my opinion. MM3 offers a decent challenge and has good music and graphics (as every other MM game).
Darkwing Duck - It's sort of like Mega Man, which is a good thing. The music is great (for NES standards).
Frankenstein: The Monster Returns - Decent game that's much like Castlevania.
Life Force - probably the best Shoot-'Em-Up on the NES.
Ok, I'm gonna give this a try, too. I'd like to recommend myself for my written reviews. My older reviews are not that well written (due to lacking English skills), but the newer ones I posted are rather good I think.
I'll eventually rewrite the older ones when I have some spare time.
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