YoutubeP00p's forum posts
So youre basically mixing SW battlefront or LOTR conquest style battle gaming with the halo franchise. Could be cool but its not that imaginative and I think Bungie have stretched the Halo franchise as far as it can go now. I think Halo is aging fast and soon it will be just a happy memory. I must say I would love a game like you described especially if it was about the wars and struggles of humankind before the events of the first halo game meaning it could add to the story and tell us what killed the bio-genetically enhanced soldiers and how did masterchief manage to be their only survivor.
if you read the books it pretty much explains it. the fall of reach explains how when and why they became spartans and pretty much what happened to the rest.
Freaking good books :) I'm almost on the ghost of onyx, halfway done with First Strike. Fall of reach is by far probably the best book I've ever read, just be prepared for the boring beginning. CH 4 will get you addicted to the book.Video games don't make kids violent. I have played halo, resident evil,unreal championship,Ninja gaiden 1,etc and some of the most goriest games out there since I was 8 years old. My mind was never twisted, it just depends how much the parents discipline there children. You notice that most kids who run around doing drugs,drinking,smoking, getting in trouble by the police probably have parents that don't care about them and let them free? The kids in columbine. They DID play Doom, but the question is did that actually influence them to kill all those innocent people? The answer is a big NO. They were bullied, and bullied to the point where they were so angry that they wanted revenge on them. They were mentally twisted and needed help, but there parents were probably too busy doing there own stuff to realize what they were doing. They all just want to blame it on the ****ing video game industry because they have nothing else to blame it on. Then the dumb parents go "Oh I'll believe EVERYTHING I hear and make my kids not play video games again" That's what they do, I know a guy that can't play any game with MAGIC, and he's 15 years old. Nor can he play an M rated game. His parents are so caught up in thinking that he'll turn into a mass murderer when he's older when he plays these M rated games, or be satanic with games with magic. The people who believe this stuff are not educated by the slightest bit of video games, they just believe what they hear.I wanted to bring up this subject due to a comment my Nephew made last night.. I was minding my own business last night making dinner on the stove when my Sister and Nephew popped over to my house. Me and my Sis were somehow on the subject of colors and my Nephew blurts out I love the color Red !! I said what is it you like about the color Red ?? He goes on to say Blood is Red and I love the way Blood looks .. I was immediately alarmed and said what !!! He said I don't know , I just like the way it looks ? Just to give you a clue on my Nephews status , he is 12 and plays video games from the time he gets home from school to the time he goes to bed with a 5 min breather for dinner.. So this leads me to my original question , can Video games disturb the mind ?? Another thing , I believe that my Sister should be blamed for some of this because she allows it to happen.. What are your thoughts ??
Nice idea, but 64 online play would lag like **** along with a huge map. Keep dreaming though. One can only be a fool if he lacks a good imagination.I think it would be insanely great if it was a 64 player online huge battle where you play as ODST and other human characters and fight off the covenant etc. Imagine carrying 10 players inside of a dropship then they jump down and battle the covenant, or you drop down a warthog or mongoose or some other new vehicle and you give your teammates support. Seriously i had a dream where I was in a dropship and was inside a HALO game. Maybe i can see the future? Personally i really think this would work. Battles would be huge and chaotic and vehicle fighting would enhance your ability to destroy enemys. Also im just throwing this out here but if they did make this game maybe they could have destructible enviroments :). This game would make me pee myself. It would be better than battlefield 2. They could add completely new weapons and everything, seriously i really want them to do this NAO!!!! I WOULD ASPLODE!
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