YttriumPirate's forum posts
Phazevariance Wrote:
I don't know so much about making all three characters beat a greater evil... that's kind of a cliche that game develoeprs do when they run out of ideas. Instead, they need to make Ganon a larger part of the game. I mean, he's the end boss, but half the time, you barely see him through out the game. Baddies are everywhere, but how are they connected to ganon?
Stoyline wise, playing as zelda would be boring, playing as link is overdone, and playing as ganon would make him seem less evil (like what happened to shadow the hedgehog). They need to make a fundamental change to the series, but not one that makes it not a zelda game. If they all teamed up on the screen at once, it would be a sonic heroes type of game, and we all know how that would turn out... It seems that they have been doing the mario thing, by adding an element of gameplay like the wolf for link, or the watter nozzel for mario, and that adds to the gameplay, but it also takes away from what we all love the most, killing baddies with the weapons and problem solving puzzles.
I agree with the real world type puzzles though. But to accomplish that they need to take better advantage of the wii's remotes. Instead of pointing your bow and arrow and firing with the A button, they should make it so you point with the remote to aim, and pull back with the nunchuck while holding the z button like you are really pulling the string of the bow... then fire by releasing the Z button. Ball and chain would work by actually swinging the remote in the air and flicking forward to shoot. Real 1:1 sword play with the remote, and sheild blicks with the nunchuck. Or the hook shot, once you shoot it, you have to use hand over hand with remote and nunchuck to climb it. The B and Z buttons need to be like your grip buttons, where you control your hands with the remote and nunchuck but the b and z buttons act ike the action buttons to close your grip on items you have.
Once they get the gameplay mechanics a little more tuned, then they need to address the puzzles. No more pushng a rock onto a switch type of puzzles, but puzzles like hidden doors that are NOT super obvious, or even a zero point weapon like elbits. More interactivity than HL2 by a lot. bla bla bla Pick up a knife and fork and cut your steak to fill hearts up again at an inn's diner.
I'm sure they need to have better ideas for puzzles also, but another thing, is the bad guys. They are too easy, and too dumb. They need guys that folow you, sneaking around, alerting other guys of your position until you kill the follower. The guys can team up to use their abilities against you, instead of all standing around doing the same things over and over again. And when they hit you, it should actually hurt you, like 4 or 5 hearts at a time, to make the hearts you get after the fight, really mean something.
And the last and hardest part to change, the dungeon - weapon - heart - dungeon - weapon - heart thing needs to be altered. I like dungeons, but perhaps the weapons can come from other places, the keys in the dungeons could work outside of the dungeon so you have to leave and come bla bla blaback better equipped. At least then you would have a use for cuccoo's or whatever that warpie guy was called. The weapons need to be used in every level, not just the dungeon you get it in, they need to add more wepoans, and bottles and bomb bags do not count as multiple weaons!!
One thing i noticed in TP is that money was pretty much useless. bla bla bla i mean, you pay for the bridge repair and other small things, but you never had to buy most items, like arrows and bombs, since you could find a lot of them anywhere.
Although i like the idea of different stoylines intersecting, I'm not crazy about playing other characters. A good time travel type game where you play the same old link, but your timeframes cross paths, would be neat. Where you help yourself without knowing you helped yourself earlier in the game. and where changes you make to one time drastically alter the gameplay in other times, something that spans through ocarina, and wind waker, and tp, and such.
i don't know ... verbal diahrea i guess, but any more ideas to add?Phazevariance
Morgario Wrote:
Yea I definitely agree with what you say about improving the weapon controls, this would make each weapon feel a lot more unique making it much more rewarding when you collect it. I'd also like to see a lot more items/weapons introduced to add variety, weapons like a spear, axe and maybe a few different types of sword. Maybe instead of having to get a tunic before you can enter a volcano, Link should have to get the right clothes before he can attempt to climb a snowy mountain or cross a hot desert. They coulbla bla blad also make the side quests more relevant to what you are doing; instead of having to collect a certain amount of "things" to break a spell, you could have to hunt a bear and take it back to a local tribesman who makes you a fur coat from it; you could even help him make it by sewingbla bla bla with the Wiimote. They could make exploring a lot more rewarding by having more area specific items; the different cultures in the Zelda universe would obviousbla bla blaly have different weapons, clothing and other items Link could buy e.g. you find aiming/firing you bow on horseback difficult so you travel to the desert area because the Gerudo people make the best saddles that will hold you steady as you ride Epona.
I like the idea someone mentioned of branching storylines with choices at certain points of the game, this could be really good if they did it well. It would make the player feel a lot more hero-like if they had to make the decision for them selves whether to perform a selfless deed or continue on with their own business. Imagine that you've been told to hurry to a specific location but along the way a stranger stops you asking for help; if you choose not to help him you get to you destination faster, if you stop to help it delays you but later on in the game the man you helped turns out to be a blacksmith who will improve/repair your weapons for free.
Phazevariance Wrote:
Yeah weapon upgrades would be a good use of rupees. And I love that clothing idea, much better use for sidequests. Someone should email these ideas to nintendo! LOL. The only thing Nintendo woul dhave to watch for is to not make it too complicated or turn it into a full fledged RPG. They need to bring back spells, but make them button activated like a regular weapon. Like a shield magic, that makes a quick forcefield around you if only for a second, that you can use as a way to blcok super hits that would normall break your usual shield block. Or a spell that slows time temporarily to give you an advantage a la max-payne only not so much to that extend and not so over used. A slepp that doubles you into two links, one that makes you invincible for a few seconds to cross dangerous areas.
Boss battles... another thing they need to tune up huge. Every boss in TP used the new weapon you got and then you defeat them with your sword. It's repetitive often. Boss battles need things like baddies that aren't standing still for the entire fight. Remember those skeletons you fight in zelda OOT? They were kinda hard, yet easy, and they faught back, and moved around and attacked and counterattacked. To make use of links acrobats the bosses should attack which you must dodge, to counter atack. I find in zelda games the acrobatic backflips and side jumps arent as necessary as they should be, and TP you needed them even less. bla bla bla
Speakin gof acrobatics, link can jump sideways and forards and backflip, but I'd like to see more use of the shield in the acrobatics, so you backflip and then you can block bla bla blayour shield to stop an attack (of certain proportion). Ot when an enemy attacks with a spear by running at you, a side ump/shield block would throw down the baddie as you side step them. which allow for your counter attack to spin around and slice his ass off. All this would be great if they added tonnes of guys per area, instead of just a few. And it doesnt hav to be in every area, cause there is still the exploring part of the game.
Morgario Wrote:
Yea I'd also like to see more magic used in the game as it could be more versatile than any weapon/item Link gets. It could work really well for both combat and puzzle solving; if Link collected a wand that allows you to control fire, water, air and earth the possibilities would be nearly endless especially with the Wiimote. Quick example: imagine walking to a room with a large pool of water in the middle, in the water lurks an enemy that stops you swimming across, so you have to freeze the water and walk across it. On the other side of the water a big heavily armoured enemy starts to lurch towards you, a large jug of water hangs in the middle off the room which you break with an arrow, covering the floor with water which you can freeze to make the surface the enemy is walking on extremely slippery. Adding to you magic shield idea; you could have fire, water, air and earth shields to match the wand powers (hold down Z to use the shield and press a direction on the D-pad to select which element). So you get attacked by fire enemies which give you trouble at first because your metal shield doesn't really block their attacks, but when you equip the magic water shield you make short work of them. Taking it further you could have each shield react in different ways to different elemental attacks, so if your fighting a large group of enemies, one of which is a fire enemy, and you use the air shield to block it's attacks it blows the fire back onto the other enemies surrounding you.
I definitely agree with what you say about not going too far with the stats, it would take away a lot of the Zelda ****from the game IMO. Maybe instead of levelling up Link you could improve your character purely by aquiring better equipemt (items/weapons/clothes), this would tie in really well with the idea from earlier about clothing and weapons as you could travel to all the different regions of the Zelda world collecting each item/weapon from the civilisation that is best at making it. Each item could have a rating for each attribute (heavy/medium/light) instead of a mark out of five, to make it seem less RPG-like. Swords could have weight, durability and sharpness categories so each type of sword is different enough to warrant you collecting it. So the Hylian swords would be durable, heavy and not that sharp, while the Gerudo swords would be light, very sharp but not very durable. They could also make the Master Sword seems really special again by having it as the only sword that has the best rating in each category.
Again I agree with what you say about the bosses and Link's acrobatics. More enemies should try and sweep Link's legs so you can do a cool back-flip over their attack, more enemies should fire/throw projectiles that have to roll under or side-jump to avoid. I really enjoy fighting the ninja women on Prince of Persia because they are constantly flipping and jumping around you as you try to fight them so you are forced to use your own acrobatic skills to keep up with them, so I think some much more acrobatic enemies would spice up Zelda nicely. This ties into what you are saying about the bosses too, one of the most favourably remember (mini)bosses in the Zelda series is Shadow Link from OoT, he's not big, he doesn't really have a set sequence to killing him, he's just a challenging opponent who forces you to use skill in your swordplay and acrobatics to beat him. I'd like to see more enemies like him as they make the giant bosses seem even bigger in comparison.
I realize this is a lot to read, but it's broken into paragraphs to make it easier... Anyone who cares to add opinions - likes/dislikes - or other ideas, please do.
i disagree with lots of these ideas (from you mr.topic starter) , they all are taken from the "my idea for a wii game" thread, and most of your points contradict each other. Ex. money would upgrade your weopens, but you don't want a game that's too easy. Make up your mind man. i also think many of your "ideas" ruin the integrety and whole concept of LoZ. They may sound good to some people but im sure that if they were made into a real zelda game that it would stink (no offense). i feel Morgario makes some decent points, i agree with the acrobatics thing, but i don't want the game to be dominated by it like prince of persia i want it to be the fries to my burger, you know what i'm saying, you know what i'm saying, yeah i'm sure you do. No flamming intended btw.
This storyline throws quite a few loops, there are a few stupid things like in the beggining but they are entirely optional, with the warps that you will unlock back-tracking becomes easy(the world is much bigger than in OoT), with the hookshot(s) climbing is accomplished in seconds and with most Zelda games if you need a reminder of what you are doing you can always ask Midna.
I would also like to add that if you do enjoy TP, then you may want to go the Virtual console and download A Link to the Past. Personally it was my favorite Zelda game that immediately throws you into the action and keeps you engrossed in the story. I can understand not liking LoZ due to the lack of a story, it can be frustrating but ALttP is worlds better, but of course this is just a suggestion.
Dude like this dude said they fixed all those annoying problems in Twilight princess, it's just people don't like it because it's not as great as OoT but in their opinion nothing could be, so my opinion is to go get it it's a good game it gets better after the temple you're on and it will keep you're interest no matter how long it's been for you between playing sessions.
[QUOTE="Generic_Dude"]The controller... the Wiimote is, IMO, gimmicky and is more of a liability to the console than an asset. I think it's going to end up with too many lousy party games and remakes and not enough great, story-driven games. I really didn't like what they did with the Zelda controls... the bow and slingshot aiming was cool, but overall I'm still weighing getting the GC version and ditching the Wii version.
Other than that, it's not powerful enough... I feel like I'm still playing a Gamecube. In fact, the Wii games don't look as good as Gamecube games. I like Super Paper Mario well enough, but you've got to admit that Paper Mario 2 was a lot more attractive visually. And the Virtual Console's pricing structure is completely out-of-touch with the market. Yes, I suppose people are paying it but just because you CAN do something, that doesn't mean you SHOULD. And they'd get higher sales if their games were priced more reasonably. $10 is far too much for an N64 ROM. But none of this would be an issue if we could get some new games on here. The third party support has been there, but it has been pitiful... and Nintendo's games are just the same ideas repeated over and over again.
I suppose I'd change a lot about the Wii, really. I don't like the controller, it would've benefitted from more power, VC is overpriced and the game selection is very poor. I feel as though this could've been much more, and that Nintendo is alienating their loyal fanbase to generate a larger, if different, one. And I don't think that's a wise business move, particularly since getting non-gamers to play games is tricky, but getting them to become gamers is next to impossible... and I don't think Nintendo can do it with this machine.
Flame away, but that's just my opinion... I'm supposed to be entitled to it, though I know the Wii boards operate a little differently...BLAH BLAH BLAH I HEART POO!!!!
Nice post, and I agree with pretty much everything you say. I work at a Gamestop, and everyday we get so many people looking for Wiis either in store or calling on the phone, and I think they are way into the idea of getting one because they don't realize exactly what it is, but just because everyone else is rushing to get it as well as being a "Nintendo" system.
Does the Wii as a whole have potential? You bet it does. Is the actual hardware inside worth $250? No. Is the current line up of rushed out crap worth the time to play? Mostly not, except for a noteable few. One can continue to have faith in Nintendo finally pulling through with great stuff (I'm expecting Metroid 3, Mario Galaxy, and Smash Bros to be awesome), but for me I've been so dissapointed with everything, and I use my Wii purely for playing Gamecube games at the moment, which not to mention some look better than anything on the Wii software line up, which is a complete joke...BLAH BLAH BLAH I HEART POO TOO, NOT TO MENTION NEITHER ONE OF US HAS ANY IDEA WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. OOPS I MENTIONED IT!!!!!!
I would have to agree with both statements that you both said. No i'm just kidding i'm actually just editing the quotes to see if you can do it, no hard feelings guys. Anyways about improvements i would like better graphics and online capability from the start i mean seriously sony and xbox has online capability 1 gen ago, l mean come on nintendo. Other than that i love the ingenuity and innovation of the wii. Remember the gamecube wasn't spectacular at graphics either but it still made games like RE4. So im not really concerned about graphics so much right now, sure better graphics would be better but meh. I would like a internal memory too.
[QUOTE="YttriumPirate"][QUOTE="grafkhun"]sounds cool, but some may hit Ganon cuase thats what they have been doing forever, friendly fire ya know. and this seems to be a great game for the series story, maybe it could finally be wrapped up somehow and a timeline formed.grafkhun
Well im sure the gamers would listen long enough (and not click through the cutscenes like many, and myself, often do, especially since This would be a Zelda Game) to know ganandorf is good. I also like the idea of a timeline being started by the conclusion of this. And the next ones would be like the future when another threat arives.
yeah ur right. and i really hope the zelda story gets wrapped up some, the game timeline is getting crazy.
I didn't mean that the story's timeline should be closed up i said that another one should be defined and started. Like I wish that before they made the windwaker that they had made some game that explained why and how hyrule was drowned and then windwaker would have been a little better for me. It also would have been awesome to paly a game like that too where link tries to stop ganandorf from drowning hyrule because ganandorf is scared of land or something. Hehe think of the childhood dilemas he must have had for that to happen.
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