First off, I'd like to say that I actually signed up for Gamespot in the summer, but only really started to frequently use it only a couple of weeks ago, thanks to all you guys I'm now on it a lot more... so errrr.. thanks... and thanks again. :)
I can't completely remember when I got my games so I'll just put the ones up that I got when I first started to actually use Gamespot.... (Can I also remind you that I'm not that good at the reviewing thing, but I'll try my best).
Silent Hill: Homecoming: Well this game was defiantly some spooky stuff. I knew from the start that it wasn't like any other Silent Hill games, but I did know that it has intense gore, which I love, and it seemed to me liked it played like a Survival Horror game eventhough it wasn't classed as one. The game wasn't really that scary in the fact that things pop out on you, it was of the fact the music mentally scared you instead. Stuff like random babies crying or little kids laughing while your walking around in a playground didn't do so good on my brain, and I was forced to use a guide (With my excuse of saying that I wanted to collect all the secerts in my first playthrough). The main character was a bit of a douche along with his messed up parents and his annoying little brother, but I did enjoy the sub character Wheeler, very much. The game really didn't do anything special Gameplay wize, so I'm going to give it a:
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger:I have always been very picky with my Fighting Games, the only Fighting Game I really enjoyed was Soul Calibur IV.... Intill BlazBlue that is. Infact BlazBlue beats any Fighting Game I've played by a mile. For some reason I seemed to love playing the arcade or training to find the right combos for the right situations, I'm pretty sure I've spent countless hours doing so. The story really did intrest me and I still can't wait for Continuum Shift to be released over here. This game also really was a great asset for me on Gamespot, I met my first "buddies" because of this game, I also met my most favorite 2D Fighting Game character, Noel Vermillion. :PAnyway I will give this game a electrifing:
Shadow Hearts: Covenant: I brought this game in a terrible condition, but despite that it was a intresting game. Or intentes it had a unusaul but probably my favorite battle system of any Turn-Based JRPG. I completed almost everything thanks to a Gamespot Walkthrough, and because of this I completed the game quite quickly. It had a very beautiful story line and characters, and it iss defently a game I'd play over again in the years to come... My favorite memory would be Karin, who I got her alternitive costume on my, no where near completion, second playthrough... *Drools* So for those reasons I give it a:
Monday Night Combat: I can defently say that this is a great game to just causally play with your mates for fun. It has a great Single Player/Co-op mode, but I think there was no need for the competitive online mode, as I wasn't at all a big fan of this. I only thing I don't like is that it costs 1200MSP, but I can't help that. Surely one of the best arcade games out there and I recomend the trial to anyone looking for a little fun. I'd give this game a:
Bayonetta:Well, I don't know what to say... I got this game from a request and I really didn't espect to get as hooked on to it as I am now. It really is one of the greatest games I've played on my 360. Playing through the game on normal first was a little bit of a risk for me as I'm not perticully good at these sort of games, but I managed to bail through its fantasic story. The gameplay was very addicting and I was hooked on it for awhole night, and yes I mean the WHOLEnight.The nextday after completing it, I didn't hesitate to start the game over again on hard and do all theextra stuffI missed on my first playthrough.Also I have now made it my goal to get 1000G for this game, so I can show my true awesome bayonetta love to everyone. So of couse I give this heck of a game a:
Dragon Age Origins: Hmmm, I honestly thought that this game would of been better, like OVERLY SUPER AWESOME SAUSE! But sadly it wasn't.. I mean don't get me wrong this game is still a great game, the storyis very planned out and the character recruitment system is very good. However the gameplay isn't all that great and reminds of Runescape or World of Warcraft, and I think it could be a lot, lot, lot better. I also didn't like the fact that I brought one DLC (Warren's Keep, or something like that) for 400MSP and it took me half an hour to complete and gave me around 50G, yes it was very intresting but it still could of been longer. Anywho I am yet to come close to completing this game yet, so my opinion could change, and I hope it does, but intill then I give this game a:
Ninja Gaiden 2: Ok I want to start off by saying that this is a F***ing hard ass game, but fun at the same time.. Anyway I really do love the characters in this game at the moment, but I really can't say much as I've only just started Chapter 3. The gamplay is much like Devil May Cry 4 and Bayonetta and I think the gore is just AWESOME SAUCE, but like I said I really can't judge this game too much yet, so I'm going to go ahead and give this game a:
Heres just a very little conclusion for this summer:
Best Game So Far: Bayonetta :P
So I'll bid you all farewell and intill next time. Oh and also make sure you,
'Don't F*** With A Witch!'
So intill next time.
Bye :P